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Wednesday, December 09, 2020

Donasi pertama E-Book (Thank you guys)

Hai teman-teman, sudah 3 bulan sejak penjualan E-Book Comfort Recipes For Happy Soul. Seperti komitmen awal, 100% hasil dari penjualan e-book ini akan aku donasikan ke tempat yang membutuhkan. Tadinya, ada beberapa pilihan, namun, akhirnya pilihan jatuh kepada shelter anak-anak bulu di Rumah Singgah TPP. 

Mungkin bagi teman-teman yang mengikuti instagram aku telah mengetahui kecintaanku kepada para binatang, yang tidak hanya ditujukan ke satu jenis tertentu saja. Aku peduli dengan kesejahteraan binatang, dan bagiku, mereka juga berhak dapat hidup dengan semestinya dan tidak disiksa.

Anjing adalah salah satu binatang yang telah menemani aku dari kecil hingga sekarang, mereka adalah contoh kesetiaan dan penghiburan yang penuh ketulusan. Jujur, aku punya perasaan yang cukup mendalam dengan hewan yang satu ini, walaupun aku juga menyayangi hewan lainnya. Karena itu, aku memilih untuk mendonasikan hasil penjualan e-bookku ke shelter ini.

Sunday, September 20, 2020

Cute Kawaii Pastel Tops

Hi girls, how are you? I hope we are well and in God's protection. I know Covid-19 has hit us hard, and we all struggle with our own problems. I also experienced it and found it difficult. One of the things that could make me happy is some cute clothes. As women, we want to feel beautiful and happy, aren't we? In this post, I don't wear any makeup on my skin and eyes, I just draw my eyebrows to frame my face. I want to embrace my natural beauty, and I want you to do the same too. :)

Pastel cute tops

I want to feel comfortable with my own skin and at the same time, have fun with some new cute clothes! My bare face isn't for loungewear only, I can wear my cute clothes confidently too with my natural face.

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

OLENS Russian Silver Review

OLENS is currently my favourite contact lens at the moment. I believe in their contact lens quality and the history of their company. Btw, this isn't a paid post or whatsoever, I really love OLENS, that's why I want to share it on my blog. :)

Russian Silver OLENS

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Cute Outfits For Summer 2020

Hi guys, the weather has been nice and sunny lately. The air is also warm and not too hot. That's why when we leave the house we need pretty clothes. We are so bored right now, let's not wear boring clothes. Agree?

This time, I want to share some of the newest clothes that I add to my wardrobe. They are all so beautiful, let's check them together?

Monday, August 10, 2020

The Secret Of My Eyebrows

A few weeks ago, I shared a photo of my eyebrows on my IG Story to tease you guys. For longtime readers of my blog, you will know that I don't have eyebrows. My eyebrows are so thin that they appear naked. I'm still wondering if I should share my secret, however, I believe it will be of use to many people. Hence, I will share my experience with this product with all of you.

eyebrow grows asian chinese

Sunday, August 09, 2020

Cominica's Hair Care Routine

Hi guys, before we start, I want to notify you that this post is a bit long. However, please read thoroughly to the end so you'll get the ideas. 

The reason why I compose this post is that I got a lot of questions regarding my hair. I realise that I never really talk about how I take care of my hair completely. Please be aware that my routine is probably not suitable for you as we might have different hair texture/type. Besides that, our hair records are different as well. 

purple hair pastel violet lavender lilac

Without further ado, I'm going to share some notes about my hair journey so you'll get the concept of my whole routine. It is important to record my hair story before I've found the one that works for me.

Wednesday, August 05, 2020

Canmake Lip Tint Jam Review

Today, I want to talk about this lip tint a little bit. I got this lip tint in Tokyo 2 years ago, specifically at Donki. Donki is literally heaven for beauty lovers! I'm a fan of Canmake's cosmetic due to its pretty packaging and affordable price. Canmake is one of Japan's most favourite make up brands, and you must try it too if you haven't.

I've been using this lip tint for almost every day since the end of 2018. I almost finished the whole bottle so I guess I'll throw my thoughts here before it's gone completely. :)

Monday, August 03, 2020

OLENS Vivi Ring Pink

Hi guys, it's August now! Time flies. Recently, I try to be more productive on the blog since I gained my confidence back again. I miss doing makeup looks and beauty reviews. If you've noticed, I start to write more blog posts in Bahasa (Indonesian) because I miss speaking Bahasa, lol. I hope you don't mind and please feel free to translate my article to your language with Google. :)

In this post, I want to give a short review of my current contact lens from OLENS. Olens is one of the largest Korean cosmetic contact lens company, and I know them because of Blackpink. So, let's start our journey?

Sunday, August 02, 2020

Cara untuk ikutan Newsletter

Hi guys, di post ini aku hanya ingin memberitahu kalau sekarang setiap pembelian E-Book 'Comfort Recipes For Happy Souls', kalian berhak mengikuti Newsletter yang aku buat. Newsletter ini nantinya akan disebarkan oleh team aku di Marche de Comi yang mana aku akan sharing beberapa resep-resep lewat sana. Plan ini sudah aku rencanakan dari sebelum E-Book ini rilis dan memang sengaja tidak aku publish karena untuk surprise bagi teman-teman yang sudah support membeli buku aku.

Saturday, August 01, 2020

Mengapa penting membersihkan Mascara?

Aku yakin pasti kalian jarang sekali (bahkan mungkin tidak pernah) membersihkan tongkat mascara, betul gak? 🤔
Karena aku seperti itu. 😆

Tidak pernah terlintas sebelumnya di kepalaku bahwa membersihkan tongkat mascara itu sepenting ini. Apalagi karena mascara ini aku pakai sendiri, jadi aku pikir tidak masalah jika aku tidak membersihkannya. Ternyata membersihkan tongkat mascara itu banyak sekali manfaatnya dan jika tidak pernah dibersihkan akan berbahaya untuk kesehatan mata.

membersihkan mascara penting

Friday, July 31, 2020

My E-Book di GooglePlay/GoogleBooks

Hallo, terima kasih bagi teman-teman yang telah membeli bukuku lewat website ini sebelumnya. Di post ini aku hanya ingin mengabari bahwa E-Bookku sudah dapat dibeli lewat Google Play dan Google Books. Harganya sedang promosi (kebijakan dari Googlenya) dan kalian bisa cek samplenya sedikit untuk mengintip. Saat ini bukunya sudah live di Google dengan harga 56.250 IDR yang tergolong sangat terjangkau untuk sebuah E-Book. Aku kurang tau sampai kapan Google akan hold promosi ini, jadi bagi kalian yang ingin membaca buku ini dapat membelinya sesegera mungkin sebelum promosi berakhir. ☺️

Tips Untuk Mencari Pasangan Yang Cocok

Hai teman-teman, karena banyaknya request dari kalian mengenai topik 'relationship', aku memberanikan diri untuk mulai sharing mengenai hal ini. Sharingku ini personal dari pengalaman sendiri dan suami, jadi kami bukan ahli atau mau sok-sok ahli yaa. Di sini, hanya sekedar sharing saja karena ini memang blog pribadi.

pasangan menikah bahagia dan cocok

Anyway, mari kita mulai. Jujur, aku juga bingung mau mulai darimana. Lebih tepatnya, aku tidak merasa aku cukup berpengalaman dalam hal 'relationship', namun aku akan share sebisaku yah supaya kalian mungkin ada bayangan dan dapat insight juga.

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Burt's Bees Lip Butter Beurre À Levres Review

lavender lip balm

Hallooo, kali ini aku mau share mengenai lip butter baru yang sedang aku pakai. Merknya Burt's Bee dengan wangi Lavender & Honey. Sebenarnya aku beli ini sudah agak lama, tapi baru aku pakai sekarang karena lip balmku yang lain baru habis. Biasanya aku punya stok sekitar 3-5 lip balm karena bibir aku gampang banget kering. 

Saturday, July 25, 2020


Hari itu, awalnya kami berencana untuk pergi ke Warwick Castle. Namun, karena situasi akibat Covid-19 belum stabil maka kami pun memutuskan untuk pergi yang dekat-dekat saja. Jujur aku masih suka parno walaupun lockdown sudah dibuka, dan New Normal berjalan cukup lancar sekarang.

Friday, July 24, 2020

2 Years Wedding Anniversary

Tidak terasa sudah dua tahun pernikahan kami, banyak yang bertanya, gimana sih rasanya sudah dua tahun menikah? Me = Ya gitu, Suami = Biasa aja. 😂

Monday, July 20, 2020

Rest in peace Miura Haruma

Beberapa hari yang lalu, aku shock banget mendengar berita mengenai aktor Jepang favorit aku yang baru saja meninggal dunia karena bunuh diri. Ia adalah Miura Haruma. Pertama kali aku melihat dia di film Gokusen 3. Aku masih ingat waktu aku dan Vina fangirling sepanjang film karena suka banget sama karakter dia sebagai Kazama Ren. Sejak itu, aku langsung auto ngfans sama dia karena senyumannya yang manis banget seperti cahaya matahari. Rasanya langsung happy lihat dia senyum, apalagi dimasa-masa aku lagi sedih, jadi bikin aku semangat lagi.

Thursday, July 16, 2020

Leopard Prints

Banyak orang yang tidak suka leopard prints karena dianggap 'norak' dan 'aneh'. Menurut aku pribadi, prints itu unique and special. Prints itu juga jadi salah satu cara untuk mengekspresikan diri dan mood. Misalnya di saat summer dan perasaanku sedang ceria, aku akan happy banget kalau pakai baju dengan print bunga atau buah.

Prints itu juga macam-macam dan bisa kelihatan expensive atau cheap juga tergantung pemakaian jenis kain. Contohnya, motif leopard selalu dianggap seperti penyanyi dangdut karena ada grup trio macan, yang malah oleh beberapa orang kesannya jadi gak banget dan malah dianggap murahan. Well, sekali lagi tergantung patternnya. Kalau motif leopard itu kelihatan murahan, tidak mungkin dipakai oleh banyak designer luxury.

Sunday, July 12, 2020

Skin Condition, Lifestyle Talk

Hi manteman, sejak aku tinggal di UK, kondisi kulitku sering tidak stabil. Aku dan suami merasa ini ada hubungannya dengan cuaca di sini. Di UK kering, jadi kulit mesti moist, tapi kalau terlalu moist jadi gampang jerawatan juga dan komedoan.

Waktu awal-awal pindah aku sempat stress banget karena breakout dan sering jerawatan lagi. Terakhir aku jerawatan parah antara tahun 2013-2014an, karena waktu itu aku belum ngerti soal jerawat hormon dan soal makanan yg mempengaruhi hormonku. 

Friday, July 10, 2020

Fashion Try On

Hi guys, how are you? Is everything alright? Even tho the lockdown is looser now, but that doesn't mean that the situation is okay. I heard about super Saturday last week, it was crazy! There are some new COVID-19 cases again in the UK after a bunch of people went to the pub, like a herd of hungry goats. They risked their lives and other people lives for something worldly. Was that really necessary? I don't know.

For me, I don't mind waiting for a little bit longer to go out like the usual. Stay at home and doing fashion is fun as well. Let's check my latest stuff from Femme Luxe! 

Thursday, July 09, 2020

June's Haul

Hi teman-teman, sekarang sudah bulan July. Belakangan ini aku cukup bersemangat karena lockdown sepertinya sudah mulai diperlonggar di Inggris. Karena lockdown cukup bikin stress (bahkan aku yang introvert), jadi aku banyak belanja online untuk menyalurkan rasa frustasiku. Apalagi karena summer jadi banyak sale, lumayan aku sering dapat extra sale untuk belanja di sini. Puji Tuhan aku punya tabungan sendiri dan budget untuk belanja, jadi lumayan gak bikin aku stress semasa lockdown. :)

Wednesday, July 08, 2020

E-BOOK Comfort Recipes for Happy Souls

Hallo teman-teman, akhirnya setelah berbulan-bulan revisi ini dan itu, E-BOOK ini akhirnya rilis juga! Aku mau ucapin terima kasih terutama untuk teman-teman di Instagramku yang awalnya suggest ke aku untuk coba bikin e-book resep makanan, akhirnya benaran jadi deh! :D

Ini pertama kalinya aku mencoba untuk bikin buku, jujur cukup sulit karena banyak hal yang harus diperhatikan supaya resepnya enak dibaca. Tapi, aku senang sekali karena akhirnya E-BOOK ini kelar juga. Aku namakan 'Comfort Recipes for Happy Souls', dengan resep-resep makanan yang sehat, enak dan lezat, maka hati dan jiwa pun akan gembira.

resep masakan sehat

Thursday, July 02, 2020

My New Yoga Mat!

Hi guys, welcome again to my blog. Today, I'm going to share about my new yoga mat I bought from Amazon. It just arrived a few days ago, and I have used it several times until now. That's why today I'm quite confident to give you a review of this yoga mat.

Wednesday, July 01, 2020

The Ordinary AHA BHA Peeling Solution

As a woman who suffered from hormonal acne, I have big pores and uneven skin texture. I also have some natural freckles on my skin, and it is genetic. My big pores have caused many skin problems, one of them is blackheads. I hate blackheads because I think they look so nasty. I hope my pores to stay clean.

Friday, June 26, 2020

Olens Welcome Kit Scandi (Unboxing) Review and First Impression!

Hi guys, do you know Olens? Olens is a contact lens brand from South Korea, and they produce many natural contact lenses to enhance our looks! I'm so excited because they use Blackpink as their muse, and I love Blackpink (especially LISA). Btw, their comeback is tomorrow on June 26th, I can't wait.

Monday, June 22, 2020

Trend Fashion Items for June

Hey ladies, how's life? Today, I'm going to share some fashion items I got recently. So, let's start?

Sunday, June 21, 2020

Cara aku survive masa lockdown di Inggris

Hallo semua, kali ini aku ingin share mengenai cara aku menghadapi masa-masa lockdown di Inggris. Kebetulan, minggu ini lockdown sudah tidak seketat sebelumnya. Semua toko retail sudah boleh buka sejak senin kemarin dan Indoor Market juga sudah buka selasa kemarin.

Menghadapi wabah virus di negara orang merupakan hal yang tidak pernah aku sangka sebelumnya. Apalagi dengan adanya sentimen terhadap etnis China, jujur aku sangat cemas. 

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Biaya Tinggal di Inggris

Hi guys, kali ini aku akan tulis post ini dalam bahasa Indonesia karena post ini memang diperuntukkan untuk teman-temanku di Indo. Aku akan sharing secara garis besar saja ya, karena kalau detail akan terlalu panjang. 🇦🇽

Sunday, June 14, 2020

Casual and Basic Pieces

Hello guys, how are you? I hope we can pass through this lockdown safely. I read the news and notice that some retail stores are allowed to open tomorrow. I've never been so happy about going out. Originally, I'm an introvert, and so is my husband. Even though we love staying at home, but this is really too much.

We also need some refreshments outdoor like trees, flowers and cafes. 

Saturday, June 06, 2020

Tony Moly Liptone Get It Tint

Hi guys, I want to share my favourite affordable Lip Tint from Tony Moly. Tony Moly is a beauty brand from Korea, and they're really popular because of their Tony Tint. When I think about a Lip Tint, I always think of Tony Moly, unconsciously. :)

Wednesday, June 03, 2020

Casual Summer Co-ords

Hi guys, last week I received another set of clothes for this season from Femme Luxe. Instead of four pieces, I only got three pieces this time. Keep reading if you want to see how they look. :)

Saturday, May 30, 2020

The Ordinary Lactic Acid 10% + HA Review

Hi guys, finally, I'm back with beauty reviews again. Perhaps, I'll do more reviews like this in the future, just like the old times. :)

Friday, May 29, 2020

Furla Handbags from Italy

Hi guys, I just want to share one of my experiences in finding the bag I want. When I researched about the handbags, I found more stories behind the Furla brand. It is an Italian brand and known for its quality leather handbags. Italy made a lot of great leather handbags, and most high-fashioned brands are from Italy. 

Blue Dress with Ruffles Look

Thursday, May 28, 2020

Morning Yoga Routine

Hi guys, I'm back in the blogging sphere lately, and I'm very content these days. One of the reasons is because I can manage my mental health quite well. Besides that, I've noticed that my severe insomnia is getting a little bit better as well.

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Latest Beauty Hauls!

Hi ladies, if you've seen my post about my fashion hauls here, this post is about my beauty hauls. It's not as long as the fashion hauls, but I just want to share about them. :D

Since three years ago, I didn't buy a lot of makeup anymore. I invested more in skincare products because I love my skin. I personally think skincare is more important than makeup, if you don't have good skin, your makeup won't look good in real life. Of course, I need makeup in my life, and I love makeup! However, now, my priority is my skin. :)

Saturday, May 23, 2020

Why I pick Coach over Michael Kors

Let's go back at the end of February. At that time, I wanted to get some new handbags for my spring/summer trip. At first, I was eyeing on the new Carmen Satchels from Michael Kors in Light Sand. It looks so pretty in the Ad with Bella Hadid as the muse.

My husband and I decided to visit Michael Kors boutique at the mall to observe Carmen satchel in real life. We entered the store and was welcomed politely by the staff. All the Carmens were all displayed on the front store, except the Light Sand colour. 

Friday, May 22, 2020

Fashion Hauls from March to May (Long Post)

Reading time:     7 min 51 sec

This year's lockdown has hit everyone hard. I find that many people do online shopping a lot at this time to indulge themselves. Well, I'm one of those people, and I think it's okay as long as I can afford it. Like nobody gets hurt, right? :)

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Venice Travel Video

Quarantine has hit everyone hard here. We're expecting for summer holiday soon but things seem still far away. We should be in Greece last week but our plan has cancelled because of coronavirus. I don't want to feel disappointed, this is something we didn't expect. Everyone is having the same disappointment.

I should be grateful really. We still can sleep peacefully at night and we just need to stay at home now.

Saturday, May 16, 2020

Some new addition to my wardrobe

Fashion is something that makes me feel alive. I dress-up not for other people, but to feel good about my self. I have a very special bond with my clothes. I used to get attached to my favourite clothes, and I treat them with lots of love. 

I also hand-washed most of my clothes, because I want to maintain their shape. I think being attentive to something I love is rewarding. 

It's not the place but the heart

Spring is coming to the UK but the weather still a bit cold for a tropical woman like me. These days, I feel so much better and alive, like everything is quite manageable. Perhaps, I just wish it will stay like this forever, I mean my sanity.

Life in here is good, but for me, it's not the place that is the most important for me. Life is good depends on where I put my heart. It depends on how I see and think about this life. Without that awareness, no matter where I settle up, nothing will change.

Monday, May 11, 2020

I'm 33 today!

I'm 33 now, what a cute number. It's in the middle of 30 and 35. I couldn't believe the fact that I'll reach 35 soon in a few years, time flies really! To think about it, I have been married for 1 and a half year, and will soon reach my second year. Btw, it's almost my second year in the UK as well.

Those bags are the birthday present from my husband. :D

Saturday, May 09, 2020

Dueba Puffy 3 Tones / 3CE Creamy Waterproof Eyeliner

This post is an unpublished draft I forgot to press back then

2009 was probably the year when I first discovered about Circle Lens. I still remember when I saw some Chinese girls on the internet and wondered why their pupils are so big and so black, lol. I plainly thought that they're blessed with big and round eyes. /innocentme

Monday, May 04, 2020

Purple Pink Sky in Nice and Fireworks

Nice is one of the most beautiful beaches in French Riviera that I'd like to visit. French Riviera aka Côte d'Azur is the Mediterranean seashore in southeastern of France that is famous for the beautiful beaches.

After our trip to Rome here, we took the flight to France, specifically, Nice. We arrived just a few hours before the sunset. I still remember how my heart widened happily for the fact that we finally arrived in Nice. It was a lovely way to spend our evening.

Monday, April 13, 2020

Stay at Home fashion

During these three weeks of lockdown, I think I started to feel unbalanced. Oh well, I was utterly foolish naturally but this is on a different level. With all those coronavirus news everywhere, it drives everyone mad.

Mad about staying at home despite the sunny weather. Mad because of all the cancelled summer trips. Mad about almost everything because this pandemic serves great distress to all of us.

I've noticed that my 'overcoming' journey in my mental health is not been so great. I mean, everything seems not fun anymore? With me being a potato from head to toe every single day, it's like declaring my self to be one of the soil residents.

Then I decided to have a little fun by my self. It's not so hard. The first thing I do is stopping my self to be spoiled as a potato. I have decided to dress up even though I'm at home. Wear something fancier by providing my self with some casual loungewear, I guess it's not so wrong eh?

Feeling pretty is good for my mental health, lol.

Tuesday, March 31, 2020

My Going Out Tops

Reading Time | 3 min 13 sec

How are you guys? Still sane during this epidemic? I am really trying to keep my sanity on the full tank cos it's slowly killing me. I know as an introvert staying at home is not a problem for me, but the tense really hit me hard during the first few days of the lockdown in the UK.

I have tried to keep myself calm like keep doing some of my usual activities like reading, writing and cooking. Plus a new addition, like watching some films but sometimes it didn't really seem to work fantastically. My anxiety, yes, I find it hard to cope with it lately.

One more thing that cutely sparks a little joy in me is unbelievably shopping for some clothes, shoes and bags. Not for any special occasion, but it just my old habit starts to appear again during these so-called quarantine days.

I'm most relaxed when I browse through my wardrobe, I mean it's like my little treasure. I love fashion since I was a kid, but I didn't have any chances to get some clothes for my self back then. I was a poor kid okay with no money, lol. After I started to get some money for myself (without my parent's help), I felt like floating on the fluffy clouds.

Do you get what I mean? It's girl stuff you know. 🥰

Monday, March 30, 2020

My Hectic Last Day in Rome

Reading Time    |    6 min 27 sec

Oh, how I wish Italy is the same as it was before. Seeing all the news about the recent case in Italy is concerning. It hurts my heart, but I can't do anything for them except a prayer. Let's pray together for Italy and the world. This epidemic takes a lot of lives around the world, ready or not; we're at this age, so please implement social distancing wherever you are.

I'm going to continue my writing about my travel diary in Rome now. I hope you're not growing bored of me, lol. Since we all can't travel right now, I want to embrace my memories and write it down so I could treasure it.

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Fashion Coords 0.5 - Dusty Pink & White

Reading Time    |     2 min 34 sec

Hi guys, now we're finally hit the middle of March. I want to mention some new clothes that I got recently, and they are all gorgeous and charming. Lately, with various issues around the world that make people panic, what if we stop and shop some cute clothes that will make us happier?

Saturday, March 14, 2020

The Vatican Museum and St. Peter's Basilica

Reading Time    |    10 min 21 sec     

Last summer in Rome was sweltering. We went to Vatican city on our second day in Rome. Did you know that Vatican City is the world's smallest recognized independent country? I was surprised that this little city has a population of fewer than 1000 people living within the Vatican walls.

And it is one of UNESCO's world heritage sites with its walled enclave nestled within Rome.

Friday, March 06, 2020

Fashion Coord 0.4 - March

Reading Time    |     2 min 42 sec

A white dress is one of the best choices to stay glowing and angelic. Most people would choose black instead of white because they say black looks classier. I think it depends on the style of the dress and the look you want to achieve.

Plus, your personality.

This is a secret, but my husband fell in love with me when I wore a white dress.

Farewell My Angel

Cerita ini ingin aku tulis dalam bahasa Indonesia.

Minggu lalu, aku menerima berita yang sangat mengejutkan dari my sis. Hachi, salah satu guguk peliharaanku mendadak pingsan. Aku sangat sedih dan hari itu aku tidak dapat berhenti menangis karena katanya kemungkinan Hachi tidak akan bisa diselamatkan. My sis sudah sangat merana karena dia menunda membawa Hachi ke dokter beberapa kali walaupun sudah diingatkan oleh papa.

Aku tidak dapat melakukan apapun untuk Hachi selain berdoa dan berdoa kepada Tuhan. Hatiku sangat sakit dan aku tidak dapat berhenti menangis saat aku berada di gereja. Aku hanya dapat menangis dan berteriak memohon agar Tuhan menyelamatkan Hachi.

Tidak dapat berhenti menangis, mendadak salah satu kenalanku di gereja (a chinese malay) bertanya ada apa denganku. Aku memberitahunya kalau aku sedang sangat sedih karena peliharaanku sedang sakit parah dan kemungkinan ia tidak dapat diselamatkan. Alih-alih bersimpati, ia malah sedikit tertawa dan berkata, "It's just a dog you know, God is more important!". Aku hanya terdiam dan sakit hati sekali dengan perkataan dia.

Padahal aku ingin meminta tolong dia untuk membantu mendoakan Hachi, tapi sepertinya itu tidak penting buat dia. Aku sadar bahwa tidak mungkin semua orang peduli pada binatang dan mencintai mereka layaknya mahkluk hidup. Aku juga mengerti mungkin dia tidak mengerti kesedihanku. Tapi please, at least, bisa kan menunjukkan sedikit sympathy? Atau kalau tidak bisa, lebih baik diam saja daripada kata-kata tersebut dapat menyakiti orang lain.

Karena aku jujur jadi kepikiran terus, namun aku mencoba memaafkan dia, mungkin dia tidak mengerti apa yang dia lakukan.

Thursday, February 20, 2020

Fashion Coord 0.3 - Ripped Jeans

The ripped jeans trend is back from the 80s to the current year and will never go faded. In fact, many celebrities can't get enough of it. If you see celebs or fashion model's street style, you'll notice that these super sexy ripped jeans are always trendy to have.

Tips Untuk Mencari Pasangan Yang Cocok