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Showing posts with label tired skin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label tired skin. Show all posts

Sunday, July 12, 2020

Skin Condition, Lifestyle Talk

Hi manteman, sejak aku tinggal di UK, kondisi kulitku sering tidak stabil. Aku dan suami merasa ini ada hubungannya dengan cuaca di sini. Di UK kering, jadi kulit mesti moist, tapi kalau terlalu moist jadi gampang jerawatan juga dan komedoan.

Waktu awal-awal pindah aku sempat stress banget karena breakout dan sering jerawatan lagi. Terakhir aku jerawatan parah antara tahun 2013-2014an, karena waktu itu aku belum ngerti soal jerawat hormon dan soal makanan yg mempengaruhi hormonku. 

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

My Beauty Diary Japanese Cherry Blossom Mask

Lately, I've been so busy with work and life ≧△≦. Sometimes, I feel so lazy to use a mask before sleep because I really feel sleepy and all I want just a sleep! I have 2 mask with wash-off type but I rarely use it, because I always fall asleep while waiting the mask to dry,lol too tired x__X. And weeks ago, I bought My beauty diary mask in hope it could make my redness and breakouts better. I choose Japanese Cherry Blossom because the description seems really promising (≧∇≦)/ , hahaha. This kind of face mask is really easy to use and hydrating~

Tips Untuk Mencari Pasangan Yang Cocok