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Showing posts with label skin talks. Show all posts
Showing posts with label skin talks. Show all posts

Monday, September 09, 2024

Skincare During Middle and High School

Since I started teaching at a high school, I often get questions about skincare. Unlike today, when I was in middle school, I could only access skincare information through TV ads or magazines. At that time, I asked my mom if I could subscribe to Kawanku and Gadis magazines. Initially, I saved up to buy the magazines, but eventually, because I loved reading them so much, my mom kindly subscribed to them for me, all for the sake of her first daughter's growth, haha.

I was only 11 years old, still naive, but my skin was flawless until I began ruining it myself, and it could never go back to the way it was.


Sunday, March 31, 2024

Yakin Skin Care Penting untuk Remaja?

Sejak aku mulai bekerja sebagai part-time design & art teacher, aku sering mendapat pertanyaan tentang topik ini, terutama dari siswa perempuan usia 15-18 tahun. Mereka sering kali bingung dengan segala promosi skin care di Indonesia yang gila belakangan ini, dan aku tidak heran mengingat pesan yang kian mendorong rutinitas skin care sejak usia dini yang terkadang membuat orang berpikir, 'ini sungguhan' atau hanya 'teknik marketing' saja?

Me, a decade ago

Sunday, July 12, 2020

Skin Condition, Lifestyle Talk

Hi manteman, sejak aku tinggal di UK, kondisi kulitku sering tidak stabil. Aku dan suami merasa ini ada hubungannya dengan cuaca di sini. Di UK kering, jadi kulit mesti moist, tapi kalau terlalu moist jadi gampang jerawatan juga dan komedoan.

Waktu awal-awal pindah aku sempat stress banget karena breakout dan sering jerawatan lagi. Terakhir aku jerawatan parah antara tahun 2013-2014an, karena waktu itu aku belum ngerti soal jerawat hormon dan soal makanan yg mempengaruhi hormonku. 

Friday, May 01, 2015

How To Reduce Dark Circles

Hello ladies, I decided to write about this because I got many questions about this topic. About Dark Circles. Well honestly, I don't think I have done something special to under eye area. I only put eye cream regularly, everyday.

In this photo I only wear very minimal make up, and there's no skin editing so you can see clearly on my under eye area. Btw, I didn't wear any concealer under my eyes too.

Sunday, February 08, 2015

Adult Acne

Acne is a skin problem that is very disturbing for almost everyone, men and women. Sometimes acne can cause a person to become stressed and lack of confidence, some are even mocked. Well, actually what causes acne?

Sorry this post has some disturbing pictures, lol but please continue~ (I actually brace myself to make this post lol XD)

Tips Untuk Mencari Pasangan Yang Cocok