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Showing posts with label clear skin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label clear skin. Show all posts

Sunday, July 12, 2020

Skin Condition, Lifestyle Talk

Hi manteman, sejak aku tinggal di UK, kondisi kulitku sering tidak stabil. Aku dan suami merasa ini ada hubungannya dengan cuaca di sini. Di UK kering, jadi kulit mesti moist, tapi kalau terlalu moist jadi gampang jerawatan juga dan komedoan.

Waktu awal-awal pindah aku sempat stress banget karena breakout dan sering jerawatan lagi. Terakhir aku jerawatan parah antara tahun 2013-2014an, karena waktu itu aku belum ngerti soal jerawat hormon dan soal makanan yg mempengaruhi hormonku. 

Wednesday, July 01, 2020

The Ordinary AHA BHA Peeling Solution

As a woman who suffered from hormonal acne, I have big pores and uneven skin texture. I also have some natural freckles on my skin, and it is genetic. My big pores have caused many skin problems, one of them is blackheads. I hate blackheads because I think they look so nasty. I hope my pores to stay clean.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

HELP: Clear My Skin and Revitalizing My Skin - Recovering my skin!

HELP! Anyone need help for clearer skin too?ヽ(゜Q。)ノ

I WAS! And at that time, Sarah from workswithwater emailed me and asked me to try their product. What a good timing! I RARELY took skin supplement because sometimes I keep forget to take it. But, Sarah was kindly explained about the products to me and that made me interested to try! Beside that, I really need HELP with my skin that time. So, why should I reject it? ◕ ‿◕

She introduced two products to me.
1. Help: Clear Skincontains Praventin™ a clinically proven bioactive protein, rich in lactoferrin, which has been shown to reduce the development of the bacteria responsible for many skin impurities, helping to prevent the formation of blemishes due to its antimicrobial effects.

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