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Showing posts with label Comi's Writing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Comi's Writing. Show all posts

Friday, May 19, 2023

Miskin Mental Lebih Menakutkan Ketimbang Miskin Uang

Mental miskin adalah kata-kata sering disebut oleh para motivator, tapi apa sih maksudnya? Apakah bermental miskin berarti tidak punya uang? Banyak orang masih salah mengartikan bermental miskin berarti tidak punya kecukupan finansial. Sebenarnya tidak sepenuhnya salah dan tidak sepenuhnya benar.

Mengapa Social Media Memicu Depresi?

Saat ini, depresi bagi generasi tertentu adalah hal yang keren dan menjadi 'tren'. Entah dia beneran depresi klinis atau hanya mengada-ada alias depresi buatan untuk ikut-ikutan arus.

Monday, May 15, 2023

Cara Untuk Bersyukur

Bersyukur adalah hal sederhana yang selalu diajarkan oleh orang tua kita secara turun temurun. Aku yakin semuanya pasti pernah kan dikasih tau "harus bersyukur"? Lucunya, sebuah kata yang sederhana ini penuh makna dan sangat sulit untuk dipraktekan. Apalagi di jaman sekarang di mana social media membuat kita selalu lupa untuk bersyukur.

Tuesday, October 04, 2022

Aku Hanya Ingin Biasa Saja

Ada kesenangan di hal-hal biasa dan sederhana, yang sebenarnya kadang kita lupakan karena melihat orang lain yang kita anggap lebih baik dari kita. Contohnya jika mereka lebih cantik, lebih kaya ataupun lebih terkenal. Ingin rasanya seperti mereka sehingga kadang kita tidak bisa menghargai apa yang kita punya.

Friday, September 02, 2022

No One Knows

Orang suka sekali berkata, "ya gue kan gak tau, lu gak pernah cerita"

Tapi sebelum itu, coba pikir deh apakah kalian orang yang bisa menempatkan diri di posisi orang lain? Karena banyak sekali orang yang sok tau dan membuat orang lain merasa tidak nyaman jika bercerita bahkan jika anda adalah orang yang paling dipercaya oleh teman anda.

Saturday, May 16, 2020

It's not the place but the heart

Spring is coming to the UK but the weather still a bit cold for a tropical woman like me. These days, I feel so much better and alive, like everything is quite manageable. Perhaps, I just wish it will stay like this forever, I mean my sanity.

Life in here is good, but for me, it's not the place that is the most important for me. Life is good depends on where I put my heart. It depends on how I see and think about this life. Without that awareness, no matter where I settle up, nothing will change.

Sunday, September 15, 2019


Reading time    |     7 min 45 sec

There was her,
the ordinary-looking woman, without any, make up on, with a few freckles and scars all over her face.

Did she think she is beautiful?

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

February: Valentine? Life?

I know this is a late post, but let me share it.

2017, I still remember when I wasn't ready for a commitment, Mat has prepared to ask me to become his girlfriend on Valentine's day. He has written a song, a beautiful song for me. At that time, I didn't let him do that because I wasn't sure about many things.

I didn't want to give a flight of fancy to him after all of his efforts. A ton of things was complicated back then, so I didn't want to make it more tangled.

Sunday, February 24, 2019

Don't be discouraged

There are people who like to drag you down by their insults, criticisms and humorous put-downs.

They could be anyone.

Saturday, January 26, 2019

January: New Job?

Tidak terasa kita telah berjalan di 2019, seperti biasanya, ritual berbagi resolution list di media sosial dimulai. Aku sendiri belum punya resolusi, 2018 lewat dengan begitu cepat, kadang aku masih overwhelmed dengan kenyataan itu.

Friday, January 11, 2019


Sebelum kamu mulai baca, kamu perlu tahu kalau topik ini topik sensitif, jadi jangan baca pakai perasaan, nanti baper sendiri. 

Belakangan ini aku melihat banyak sekali orang-orang yang share mengenai masalah pasangan hidup dan pernikahan. Mereka dihujani dengan pertanyaan, sindiran, paksaan dan hinaan yang mengganggu kehidupan mereka, terutama dari generasi diatas mereka. Tidak sedikit yang psikologisnya jadi agak terganggu dengan masalah ini.

"Kapan nikah?"

"Kapan punya pacar?"

dan Kapan lainnya.

Sunday, February 11, 2018

Parent's Heart

I will never know the heart of my parent until I become a parent my self. Sometimes, I wondered about their love language. There're many kinds of parents, for their childrens, they will always be their best parents.

Thursday, February 01, 2018


Hey guys, I'll be sharing some of my writings from my Instagram stories. You know, I brace my self up to share my writings again because of my fiancé. He knows that I love writing and he supports me to share it.

I was afraid to share my feelings and my thoughts online since a year ago, I can't tell you the reason because I don't want anyone to assume and create their own drama anymore. I'm so tired of that.

Btw, If you followed my Twitter back then, Twitter is a media where I can share my recent real feelings about anything, both positive and negative, it's the media where I can release my down feeling.

And it could be anyone or anything I read/watch. If I was sad, I expressed my sad feeling by tweeting. That applies to any kind of emotion as well, anger, happiness, over whelmed, etc.

You know when you're so depressed and have no place to rant?

Monday, September 18, 2017

Ugly (Writings)

dress from CominicaCouture

I saw those teary eyes,
so bright yet so sad,
young and fragile; lack of self love.

She wasn't favorite in her school,
no one notice her presence.
She feels faceless; unwanted.
She shut her self down,
making scars on her body,
and she feels good.

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Tanjung Bira Days and Reflections

As Indonesian, I'm proud of my own country. We have so many exotic beaches and Indonesia is an archipelago with many, many islands! No matter where you go, you can always find an island to explore. 

Sunday, February 26, 2017

Similarly Beautiful

We connect too fast and it's scary,
I want to control my heart but I can't,
It always as easy as switch on/off, at first..,

every time I see you
I lose my guard unconsciously,
cos when I'm with you,
I'm spiritually satisfied 
and I don't regret it.

Our soul weirdly sticked together,
we're similarly beautiful,
and so are you,
I love your smile.

I could sleep blanketed by your smile.

Tips Untuk Mencari Pasangan Yang Cocok