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Showing posts with label Marriage Life. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Marriage Life. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 31, 2024

6 Years of Marriage

Who isn't afraid of marriage and thinks it’s safer to stay single than risk a bad marriage? You’re not alone. I used to be terrified of marriage too—until I met Mat, my husband.

Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Tanda Pasanganmu Serius Dengan Hubungan Kalian

Hi ladies, karena readersku mostly perempuan jadi post ini pastinya dari pengalaman dan cara pandangku sebagai perempuan yah. :)

Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Suka Duka Covid di Inggris

Jadi, setelah lama menghilang, pertama-tama aku mau share mengenai suka duka masa-masa Covid selama tinggal di UK. Setelah itu, baru berlanjut ceritanya, yang jelas storynya bakal panjaaang, tapi, silakan disimak karena mungkin ada pengalaman yang bisa dipelajari. 

Saturday, July 25, 2020


Hari itu, awalnya kami berencana untuk pergi ke Warwick Castle. Namun, karena situasi akibat Covid-19 belum stabil maka kami pun memutuskan untuk pergi yang dekat-dekat saja. Jujur aku masih suka parno walaupun lockdown sudah dibuka, dan New Normal berjalan cukup lancar sekarang.

Friday, July 24, 2020

2 Years Wedding Anniversary

Tidak terasa sudah dua tahun pernikahan kami, banyak yang bertanya, gimana sih rasanya sudah dua tahun menikah? Me = Ya gitu, Suami = Biasa aja. 😂

Saturday, May 16, 2020

It's not the place but the heart

Spring is coming to the UK but the weather still a bit cold for a tropical woman like me. These days, I feel so much better and alive, like everything is quite manageable. Perhaps, I just wish it will stay like this forever, I mean my sanity.

Life in here is good, but for me, it's not the place that is the most important for me. Life is good depends on where I put my heart. It depends on how I see and think about this life. Without that awareness, no matter where I settle up, nothing will change.

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