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Showing posts with label Life Journey. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Life Journey. Show all posts

Monday, August 12, 2024

My Unexpected Journey as a Teacher

Hi guys, in this post, I want to share my experience teaching at a high school. But before that, I want to tell you why I ended up 'diving into' this school as a part-time teacher.

Sorry, I won't show my students' faces due to privacy reasons :)

Wednesday, July 31, 2024

6 Years of Marriage

Who isn't afraid of marriage and thinks it’s safer to stay single than risk a bad marriage? You’re not alone. I used to be terrified of marriage too—until I met Mat, my husband.

Friday, February 19, 2021

Karantina Wajib Covid di Jakarta

Hai semua, di postku yang sebelumnya ceritaku berakhir waktu masih flight menuju Indonesia yah. Yang follow IGku mungkin sudah liat juga kira-kira seperti apa waktu dalam pesawat. Gak ada social distancing. Kami semua duduk seperti biasa gak dijarak. Tapi, orang yang duduk di sebelah suamiku mendadak pindah entah kemana. Jadi, dia kaya mondar mandir kesana kemari gitu, aku rasa dia duduk kepisah sama temannya jadi nyari bangku kosong supaya bisa bareng. Well, agak lega sih karena gak duduk sampingan dengan orang lain walaupun ada om2 di belakang yang batuk-batuk. 😵

Hari-hari terakhir di Inggris 

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Kesulitan Proses Pulang ke Indonesia di Saat Covid

Setelah cerita kemarin, kali ini aku lanjut yah ke proses kepulangan kami ke Indonesia. Jadi, kira-kira 2 minggu sebelum kami berencana pulang suami telpon ke KBRI untuk nanya kira-kira apa yang perlu kami persiapkan untuk pulang dan apakah kami bisa pulang. Nah ini yang terpenting, karena situasi di UK lagi lockdown jadi banyak penerbangan tidak diijinkan.

Salju di Inggris
Bangun pagi langsung keluar lihat salju :D

Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Suka Duka Covid di Inggris

Jadi, setelah lama menghilang, pertama-tama aku mau share mengenai suka duka masa-masa Covid selama tinggal di UK. Setelah itu, baru berlanjut ceritanya, yang jelas storynya bakal panjaaang, tapi, silakan disimak karena mungkin ada pengalaman yang bisa dipelajari. 

Tuesday, January 05, 2021

Jan 2021

Tidak terasa sudah 2021 yah, rasanya masih seperti 2020 karena mostly waktu yang aku habiskan adalah terkurung di rumah karena lockdown. Di Inggris, situasi karena covid semakin menegangkan karena ada mutasi varian covid yang bikin heboh seluruh dunia. Masalahnya, varian baru ini lebih cepat menular dan para ilmuwan masih butuh waktu untuk mempelajarinya.

Friday, July 24, 2020

2 Years Wedding Anniversary

Tidak terasa sudah dua tahun pernikahan kami, banyak yang bertanya, gimana sih rasanya sudah dua tahun menikah? Me = Ya gitu, Suami = Biasa aja. 😂

Sunday, June 21, 2020

Cara aku survive masa lockdown di Inggris

Hallo semua, kali ini aku ingin share mengenai cara aku menghadapi masa-masa lockdown di Inggris. Kebetulan, minggu ini lockdown sudah tidak seketat sebelumnya. Semua toko retail sudah boleh buka sejak senin kemarin dan Indoor Market juga sudah buka selasa kemarin.

Menghadapi wabah virus di negara orang merupakan hal yang tidak pernah aku sangka sebelumnya. Apalagi dengan adanya sentimen terhadap etnis China, jujur aku sangat cemas. 

Thursday, May 28, 2020

Morning Yoga Routine

Hi guys, I'm back in the blogging sphere lately, and I'm very content these days. One of the reasons is because I can manage my mental health quite well. Besides that, I've noticed that my severe insomnia is getting a little bit better as well.

Saturday, May 16, 2020

It's not the place but the heart

Spring is coming to the UK but the weather still a bit cold for a tropical woman like me. These days, I feel so much better and alive, like everything is quite manageable. Perhaps, I just wish it will stay like this forever, I mean my sanity.

Life in here is good, but for me, it's not the place that is the most important for me. Life is good depends on where I put my heart. It depends on how I see and think about this life. Without that awareness, no matter where I settle up, nothing will change.

Monday, May 11, 2020

I'm 33 today!

I'm 33 now, what a cute number. It's in the middle of 30 and 35. I couldn't believe the fact that I'll reach 35 soon in a few years, time flies really! To think about it, I have been married for 1 and a half year, and will soon reach my second year. Btw, it's almost my second year in the UK as well.

Those bags are the birthday present from my husband. :D

Friday, March 06, 2020

Farewell My Angel

Cerita ini ingin aku tulis dalam bahasa Indonesia.

Minggu lalu, aku menerima berita yang sangat mengejutkan dari my sis. Hachi, salah satu guguk peliharaanku mendadak pingsan. Aku sangat sedih dan hari itu aku tidak dapat berhenti menangis karena katanya kemungkinan Hachi tidak akan bisa diselamatkan. My sis sudah sangat merana karena dia menunda membawa Hachi ke dokter beberapa kali walaupun sudah diingatkan oleh papa.

Aku tidak dapat melakukan apapun untuk Hachi selain berdoa dan berdoa kepada Tuhan. Hatiku sangat sakit dan aku tidak dapat berhenti menangis saat aku berada di gereja. Aku hanya dapat menangis dan berteriak memohon agar Tuhan menyelamatkan Hachi.

Tidak dapat berhenti menangis, mendadak salah satu kenalanku di gereja (a chinese malay) bertanya ada apa denganku. Aku memberitahunya kalau aku sedang sangat sedih karena peliharaanku sedang sakit parah dan kemungkinan ia tidak dapat diselamatkan. Alih-alih bersimpati, ia malah sedikit tertawa dan berkata, "It's just a dog you know, God is more important!". Aku hanya terdiam dan sakit hati sekali dengan perkataan dia.

Padahal aku ingin meminta tolong dia untuk membantu mendoakan Hachi, tapi sepertinya itu tidak penting buat dia. Aku sadar bahwa tidak mungkin semua orang peduli pada binatang dan mencintai mereka layaknya mahkluk hidup. Aku juga mengerti mungkin dia tidak mengerti kesedihanku. Tapi please, at least, bisa kan menunjukkan sedikit sympathy? Atau kalau tidak bisa, lebih baik diam saja daripada kata-kata tersebut dapat menyakiti orang lain.

Karena aku jujur jadi kepikiran terus, namun aku mencoba memaafkan dia, mungkin dia tidak mengerti apa yang dia lakukan.

Saturday, January 04, 2020

2019's Story in a Wrap

Reading Time    |    7 min 54 sec

Last year was a roller-coaster for me. It was a healing year where I positively braved my self to dig deeper to the root; to study more about my self and accept all my obscurest side. It was the year where I earned my true peace and freedom as well. It was not a happy journey, but it was worth it and full of blessings.

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Florence's Romance In The Air

Reading Time    |    8 min 52 sec

If you have read my journey in Venice here and here, this is the sequel for my summer trip stories.

Florence or Firenze (in Italian) is located in the centre of Italy and is a capital city of the Tuscany region. I don't remember exactly when I put Florence in my bucket list, but mainly because it was the birthplace of Rennaisance. I'm an art enthusiast, and Rennaisance is one of my favourite eras so I'd love to visit this city at least once in my life.

Besides that, Florence is recognized as one of the most beautiful cities in the world and approved by UNESCO in 1982. The city also contains numerous museums and art galleries. The architecture and heritage of Florence are acknowledged all around the world.

Thursday, December 05, 2019

The Original Venezia - day 02

Reading Time    |    11 min 31 sec

On our second day in Venezia, we've arranged to explore San Marco square to find some iconic sights like St. Mark's Basilica, the Doge's Palace and the Bridge of Sighs. We woke up a bit late, but we were not in a rush that day. We wanted to enjoy our summer vacation with our laid-back style. 😂

Sunday, November 24, 2019

The Original Venezia - day 01

Reading Time    |    8 min 44 sec.

I still couldn't believe that I was in Venice this summer, it was a magical and romantic adventure for my husband and me. We began our day in Venice by landing in the afternoon. We waited for more than 45 minutes for a boat ride to the old city, where all the canals and gondola existed!

Monday, September 30, 2019

Eiffel Date with husband

I smell the air of the old house in Paris; it was a bit woody and mushy. I checked the clock on my phone and realised it was the time to get up. I quickly went to the bathroom, did everything I need in the morning, and dress up chicly. 😳

Sunday, September 15, 2019


Reading time    |     7 min 45 sec

There was her,
the ordinary-looking woman, without any, make up on, with a few freckles and scars all over her face.

Did she think she is beautiful?

Tips Untuk Mencari Pasangan Yang Cocok