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Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Snug and Casual Fashion Coordination

Hi guys, what is your plan for Christmas? We've decided to stay at home this winter, having a feast by ourselves and perhaps watching films. Travelling in winter actually sounds good, but we love sunny and bright vibes for a day out, so we've cancelled our plan.

As I'll be staying at home this month, I think it'd be fun if I make some fashion posts for outfit inspiration. Ready?

Florence's Romance In The Air

Reading Time    |    8 min 52 sec

If you have read my journey in Venice here and here, this is the sequel for my summer trip stories.

Florence or Firenze (in Italian) is located in the centre of Italy and is a capital city of the Tuscany region. I don't remember exactly when I put Florence in my bucket list, but mainly because it was the birthplace of Rennaisance. I'm an art enthusiast, and Rennaisance is one of my favourite eras so I'd love to visit this city at least once in my life.

Besides that, Florence is recognized as one of the most beautiful cities in the world and approved by UNESCO in 1982. The city also contains numerous museums and art galleries. The architecture and heritage of Florence are acknowledged all around the world.

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Chic Black Blazer 🖤

Just like what I've stated here, I wanted to collect more blazers for my wardrobe. This black blazer from Lookbook Store is probably the last piece (for blazer) for this year. I have got one in a checkered pattern here and the other one in pastel colour here. They are all really comfortable and nicely cut.

Friday, December 20, 2019

December's Coords!

Recently, I'm so into black. I used to wear black when I was in Uni and was into gothic style. My mom used to call me 'mourning-girl' in that era because of that. It's funny because after I got married, I fancy something black again just because I want to look maturer.

I heard a lot of people say Comi looks so different now. Well, bangs and makeup do make a change.

Sunday, December 08, 2019

All-Purpose Checkered Blazer

I think since last year, I have decided to collect more blazer for my daily outfit. Mainly because I want to look more like an adult, and of course, chic. Everyone I met here always thinks I'm still 22-25ish, I take it as a compliment though. It just, Comi wants to look more mature! And having some blazers for mix and match is not a bad idea.

Saturday, December 07, 2019

Early December Co-ords

Last month was a lovely month for me because something wonderful had happened, and I couldn't be more grateful. However, we're not going to talk about that on this post. This would be one of my fashion mixes and match for this month.

Thursday, December 05, 2019

The Original Venezia - day 02

Reading Time    |    11 min 31 sec

On our second day in Venezia, we've arranged to explore San Marco square to find some iconic sights like St. Mark's Basilica, the Doge's Palace and the Bridge of Sighs. We woke up a bit late, but we were not in a rush that day. We wanted to enjoy our summer vacation with our laid-back style. 😂

Sunday, November 24, 2019

November's Look

Last week, I received another set of pretty clothes to try on from Femme Luxe. This autumn-winter, many big chain fashion ready-to-wear is crazy over sheer-through organza piece. I've seen them decorating all the store's front in Bullring along with PU leather dress, monochrome tone and countless long coats.

The Original Venezia - day 01

Reading Time    |    8 min 44 sec.

I still couldn't believe that I was in Venice this summer, it was a magical and romantic adventure for my husband and me. We began our day in Venice by landing in the afternoon. We waited for more than 45 minutes for a boat ride to the old city, where all the canals and gondola existed!

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Hot Trend Autumn Style

Today is still in the middle of the autumn season in the UK. The weather is not so good these few days (especially in Oxford), there were lots of rain and wind. But still, I couldn't wait for the sun to come to put on something cute and trendy before it happens. So, should we start?

Monday, October 28, 2019

The Oldest Patisserie in Paris

Reading Time    |    4 min 50 sec

That morning I woke up late and didn't do my hair again (2 days straight in Paris, duh!). As I was pretty lazy to do makeup as well, I didn't wear contact lens and put natural make up to save my time. I thought as long as I don't look pale or sick, that was fine.

Stohrer, I didn't know about this patisserie before, all I knew is just Ladurée and Pierre Hermé. My host was the one who recommends this store to us, she is a friendly woman. I'd love to stay at her place again if I visit Paris.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

October Fashion Coordinate

Reading Time     |     1 min 35 sec


Hey gurls, I just got back from my autumn holiday in East Europe. On my day to Kutna Hora (above), I wore a shirt dress from Femme Luxe and pair it with my favourite body harness I bought in Tokyo. Plus a dark blue legging and my lovely white sneakers for an ultimate casual look, but still looked trendy.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Picturesque Montmartre, I shall be back!

Reading Time    |    4 min 46 sec

Even though it was raining since the morning, we didn't cancel our plan to the Basilica of Sacre Coeur. It is probably one of the most historical monuments in Paris. The district, Montmartre, is one of the prettiest hill and area that my husband always adore. He said he'll never get enough of Montmartre, and now I know the reason why. 

Monday, September 30, 2019

Eiffel Date with husband

I smell the air of the old house in Paris; it was a bit woody and mushy. I checked the clock on my phone and realised it was the time to get up. I quickly went to the bathroom, did everything I need in the morning, and dress up chicly. 😳

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Trendy Feminine to Chic Casual Coords

Reading time    |     1 min 13 sec

Autumn is coming, the weather changes drastically every day here in the UK. In less than two weeks I'll be travelling to Europe again with my husband, guess where?  :>

Btw, I've received some pretty clothes again to try from femme luxe, and I'm so in love with all the items they have sent to me! This time I got 4 things to share with you. My husband loves the blue one, especially. How about you?

My husband is so in love with this co-ords, he said it'll perfect for the next summer! I love the material, it's not itchy, and the size fits me wholly. I may wear them separately or combine each piece with another piece for a different look.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

11.06.18 - Paris with my Family

Reading time    |     7 min 38 sec

One day in June, the weather was terrible, the rain was pouring almost all day long, and yet we eventually meet again. I spent most of my time growing up with them, my young brother and youngest sister. I could say that we're probably the most intimate siblings around the complex, and we understand each other pretty well. We nearly like a close friend, not just sibling.

Sunday, September 15, 2019


Reading time    |     7 min 45 sec

There was her,
the ordinary-looking woman, without any, make up on, with a few freckles and scars all over her face.

Did she think she is beautiful?

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Arc de Triomphe Paris

Do you perhaps remember who Napoleon Bonaparte is? Yes, he was the famous military leader and emperor who conquered much of Europe in the early 19th century. This Arc was commissioned by him in 1806 to celebrate his victory at Austerlitz. It is located at Champs de Elysees, one of the busiest area in Paris. 

Friday, September 06, 2019

End of Summer Outfit Coords in the UK

Summer is almost ending in the UK. I have a mixed feeling because I love the autumn season, but at the same time, I dislike the windy weather. 

SK-II Facial Treatment Loose Powder Review

Have you ever heard of the famous SK-II Facial Treatment Essence? Some of SK-II's skincare products are super phenomenal, especially in Asia because of the patented brightening properties 'Pitera' that you can only find in SK-II products. However, today, I'm not going to talk about the goddess of essence that is a favourite to almost Asian beauty enthusiast.

I want to talk about their loose powder, well, maybe it's new for you?

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Saint-Eustache Paris (Why it's awesome!)

On our trip to Paris in June, we stayed near the Les Halles area. When we arrived, we took the Les Hales exit, and we accidentally passed this large church while we were walking to our flat. At that time, I was very impressed with the architecture of this church, which is very gothic, but because our first destination was not here, we only took photos from the outside.

Wednesday, August 07, 2019

Outfit Coordination from Casual Chic to Girly

Some of you had noticed that my outfit coordination is changing a little bit. I used to like frilly dresses, anything with lace, something extra feminine and cute. But as you guys know, since I moved to the UK, I tried to challenge my self with something new. Seeking a different style is exciting for me, especially if it's something out from my comfort zone. For example, wearing body-fit clothes means that I'm considerably comfortable with my own body and that's the hardest thing.

Friday, June 21, 2019


The romantic Paris. I still remember, at that time, I was still in high school, I love fashion and found the internet. I fell in love with this city because of fashion and art. Unexpectedly, 17 years later, I could visit this city with my unexpected significant other, my husband, Matt.

Sunday, May 19, 2019

London: Notting Hill, Portobello and Peggy Porschen

Hi semuanya, post ini lanjutan dari post aku sebelumnya mengenai visa. Kali ini mengenai short trip aku ke London yang tujuannya untuk appointment visa schengen Paris, namun karena hari itu aku berulang tahun jadi sekalian bisa kami dirayakan di sana.

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Saus Pedas Manis untuk Ayam Goreng Tepung ala Korea

Kali ini aku mau share resep saus lumuran untuk ayam goreng ala korea-korea gitu yang simple dan mudah banget. Kebetulan aku gak suka masak yang terlalu ribet, jadi kalau kamu juga ingin menikmati ayam goreng pedas manis ala korea tapi gak mau ribet, bisa mencoba resep aku.

Sorry yah setelah sekian lama aku masak-masak dan share di ig story, aku baru sempat sharing di blog. Maklum profesinya ada dua sekarang, jadi harus pintar-pintar bagi waktu supaya tidak kecapean dan drop badannya.

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Schengen Visa

Beberapa minggu yang lalu aku sempat cerita di Ig Story mengenai rencana aku untuk membuat visa schengen. Keluarga aku akan berlibur ke beberapa negara di Eropa bulan depan, karena itu aku dan Mat berencana untuk bertemu mereka di Paris. Sebelumnya Mat sudah pernah tinggal di Jerman beberapa tahun karena studi di sana, jadi dia yang sudah berpengalaman memutuskan untuk apply visa schengen 1 bulan sebelum keberangkatan kami kesana.

Saturday, April 20, 2019

Balada Landlord

Sesuai dengan janji aku di IG story, kali ini aku ingin share 'keanehan' landlord aku di UK/Inggirs. Dari banyak artikel-artikel yang aku baca, ternyata bukan hal yang jarang terjadi kasus-kasus aneh yang dilakukan landlord di UK. Nah semoga dengan sharing aku kali ini kalian jadi lebih hati-hati mencari tempat tinggal jika berencana stay di sini. 

Kira-kira 2 setengah bulan lagi aku harus pindah tempat tinggal, dan sampai saat ini aku dan Mat belum benar-benar menemukan tempat tinggal yang ideal untuk kami berdua. Sebenarnya aku dan Mat sudah lumayan betah tinggal di flat kita sekarang. Namun, kenyamanan kami tidak dapat bertahan sampai setahun karena landlord kami agak sedikit 'aneh'.

Wednesday, April 17, 2019


Setelah sekian lama mencari Es krim ini, akhirnya malah gak sengaja ketemu di UK. Waktu pertama kali lihat kaget banget karena ternyata ada disini! Tapi karena cuaca di UK dari pertama kali aku datang selalu dingin, jadi belum kepingin cobain.

Kalian ada yang suka juga dengan es krim ini?

Sunday, March 24, 2019

KOSE Sekkisei Herbal Gel Review

A sleeping mask is something I wear to sleep every twice a week. When I was still in Indonesia, it wasn't hard to get Japanese skincare brand. It's available in most big department stores chain all over Jakarta. This sleeping mask is one of my favourites, and I'd love to share the reason to all of you.

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

February: Valentine? Life?

I know this is a late post, but let me share it.

2017, I still remember when I wasn't ready for a commitment, Mat has prepared to ask me to become his girlfriend on Valentine's day. He has written a song, a beautiful song for me. At that time, I didn't let him do that because I wasn't sure about many things.

I didn't want to give a flight of fancy to him after all of his efforts. A ton of things was complicated back then, so I didn't want to make it more tangled.

Monday, March 18, 2019

Fashion Style ?

After moving to the UK, there are so many things I should adapt to fit in here. For example, the weather. When you visit four seasons country for a trip or holiday, it feels okay to enjoy the cold weather once in a while. But when you live in the country, it not the same.

Sunday, March 10, 2019

Scent and Soul Hot Water Bottle Review

A few weeks ago, James from Scent and Soul sent me this Hot Water Bottle to try out. I've been suffering from chronic low back pain for a year. I'm hoping this would ease the pain a bit.

Sunday, February 24, 2019

Don't be discouraged

There are people who like to drag you down by their insults, criticisms and humorous put-downs.

They could be anyone.

Friday, February 22, 2019

NI Number (NINO) - How I Apply

Waktu aku sharing mengenai hari interview aku untuk mendapatkan National Insurance Number di IG Story, banyak orang-orang yang mengira aku melakukan interview untuk job yang baru. Jika kalian sudah baca post aku yang sebelumnya mengenai pekerjaanku saat ini, kalian pasti sudah tahu.

Lalu apa sih NI interview jika bukan interview pekerjaan? Mungkin pertama-tama aku jelasin dulu apa sih NI Number (NINO) itu?

NINO atau National Insurance Number sebenarnya mirip seperti NPWP di Indonesia. Untuk bekerja di UK/Inggris, aku memerlukan NINO supaya terdaftar secara legal dan pemerintah dapat menghitung pajak dari penghasilan aku untuk sistem keamanan sosial mereka. Walaupun aku tidak bekerja full time, tetap saja aku membutuhkan NINO untuk bekerja.

Gampangnya, kalian anggap saja NINO itu seperti NPWP.

Thursday, February 14, 2019

Fo Guang Shan Taiwan Trip

1 month before my wedding, I went to Taiwan with my family. I was there for more than a week, quite a lot of time to explore the entire country as Taiwan isn't as big as Indonesia.

Fo Guang Shan is one of many popular destinations in Taiwan. People from different countries retreat to this place to find a peace of mind.

Thursday, February 07, 2019

Sweet & Sour Chicken Recipe

Minggu lalu saat kami sedang berbelanja, aku bertanya ke Mat, "kamu mau gak kalau aku masak Ikan asam manis?". Lalu Mat jawab, "kalau Ikan, diapain aja kayanya aku bakal suka".

Hari itu, kami hanya pergi berbelanja ke Aldi Store karena sudah sore, biasanya kami membeli Ikan di Iceland Food Warehouse karena lebih banyak pilihan. Kebetulan aku ada bahan untuk membuat saus Asam Manis, biasanya kalau dengan Ikan rasanya mungkin akan lebih enak. Namun karena kami agak kesulitan dapat Ikan hari itu, aku memutuskan untuk beli Dada Ayam saja, selain mudah didapat juga harganya lebih murah. 

Monday, February 04, 2019

Sebamed Lip Defense SPF 30

Salah satu produk perawatan tubuh yang wajib aku miliki adalah Lip Balm. Waktu aku masih tinggal di Indonesia, aku sering berada di ruangan ber AC, bibirku gampang sekali kering. Banyak orang tidak terlalu memperhatikan kesehatan dan keindahan bibir, padahal jika tidak dirawat bibir akan pecah-pecah dan terkelupas. Selain itu, warna bibir juga dapat menghitam dan kehilangan rona aslinya.

Saturday, January 26, 2019

January: New Job?

Tidak terasa kita telah berjalan di 2019, seperti biasanya, ritual berbagi resolution list di media sosial dimulai. Aku sendiri belum punya resolusi, 2018 lewat dengan begitu cepat, kadang aku masih overwhelmed dengan kenyataan itu.

Thursday, January 24, 2019

December: London's Christmas Light

Awal Desember lalu kami mulai dengan latihan choir untuk persiapan persembahan lagu natal di gereja. Sebenarnya Mat sama sekali tidak berencana untuk ikut tim choir ini, dia cukup terkejut waktu aku mengajaknya untuk ikut latihan.

Sunday, January 13, 2019

Laneige Bb Cushion Review

Akhirnya aku sempat juga review salah satu produk makeup yang paling sering aku pakai sejak aku pindah ke UK. Disini aku jarang sekali memakai makeup karena aku lebih sering berada di rumah, kalaupun keluar, aku sudah tidak begitu suka makeup 'ala boneka' seperti dulu. Entah mengapa, sekarang aku lebih suka makeup yang super simple tanpa bulu mata palsu dan softlens.

Alasannya: menghemat waktu dan terlihat lebih natural.

Setelah menikah aku malah lebih sibuk ketimbang dulu, karena banyak yang harus diurus. Jadi aku harus pintar-pintar mencari cara supaya tetap cantik dan effortless.

Friday, January 11, 2019


Sebelum kamu mulai baca, kamu perlu tahu kalau topik ini topik sensitif, jadi jangan baca pakai perasaan, nanti baper sendiri. 

Belakangan ini aku melihat banyak sekali orang-orang yang share mengenai masalah pasangan hidup dan pernikahan. Mereka dihujani dengan pertanyaan, sindiran, paksaan dan hinaan yang mengganggu kehidupan mereka, terutama dari generasi diatas mereka. Tidak sedikit yang psikologisnya jadi agak terganggu dengan masalah ini.

"Kapan nikah?"

"Kapan punya pacar?"

dan Kapan lainnya.

Thursday, January 10, 2019

Etude Dear Darling Water Tint Review

Sepertinya sudah lama sekali yah aku gak post apapun mengenai make-up? Jujur sih, mungkin karena belakangan ini sudah tidak terlalu sering mainin make-up, aku jadi kehilangan motivasi untuk review make-up.

Apalagi dulu aku banyak review make-up karena kerjaan sebagai blogger, aku jadi malas menulis review karena merasa banyak batasan dalam menulis pendapat yang apa adanya. Makanya mulai 3 tahun lalu aku sudah tidak begitu banyak mau terima request/offer untuk review make-up soalnya lama-lama aku merasa tidak sejalan.

Aku masih sangat suka dengan make-up, begitu juga dengan hal-hal kecantikan. Tapi yah itu, niat untuk sharingnya hilang. Namun beberapa hari belakangan ini semangat itu muncul kembali, salah satunya berkat Mat.

Tuesday, January 08, 2019

November's Sketch

Belakangan ini kondisi tubuh aku memang sering drop, Mat rasa karena tubuhku masih menyesuaikan diri dengan cuaca di sini. Aku sendiripun merasa badan aku memang kurang fit belakangan ini, namun aku juga tidak mau berlama-lama merasa sedih atas kelemahan yang aku miliki, aku tetap mencoba menjaga kondisi tubuh aku supaya tidak gampang sakit.

Tidak terasa bulan November sudah berlalu, yang berarti, aku sudah tinggal selama 4 bulan di Inggris. Banyak yang bertanya bagaimanakah kehidupan aku di sini, apakah lebih baik dari Indonesia atau tidak, apakah aku betah atau tidak, apakah aku homesick atau tidak.

Monday, January 07, 2019

Gyudon (Beef Bowl) ala Yoshinoya (Spicy)

Dari bulan lalu, aku dan Mat kangen banget ingin makan Gyudon. Semenjak Yoshinoya dan Sukiya buka di Indonesia, aku sering sekali makan di sana setiap kali gak tau mau makan apa. Apalagi jika sedang ada job event di mall dan aku diharuskan untuk stand by selama beberapa jam, biasanya Gyudon selalu menjadi pilihan pertama.

Alasannya: lebih sehat ketimbang McD dan tentu saja enak!

Gyudon atau Beef Bowl adalah makanan cepat saji yang sangat populer di Jepang. Isinya adalah nasi dalam mangkuk dengan lauk daging sapi tipis yang lezat diatasnya, terkadang bisa ditambahkan juga telur ayam mentah atau setengah matang.

Tips Untuk Mencari Pasangan Yang Cocok