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Friday, September 16, 2011

Maybelline Hyper Sharp liner + Giveaway winner!

Hello!! (≧∇≦)/ I want to rave about this liquid eyeliner! This liquid eyeliner is really waterproof, I wore it to beach all day and this eyeliner didn't make my eyes look like Panda. This eyeliner is still there and doesn't smudge but yeah it disappear a little, around my upper waterline. I look fine after sweating so much, oh I really love this eyeliner! This liquid eyeliner is really thin and easy to use, the texture after it's dry doesn't look glossy and fake like ink. It looks like I'm wearing gel liner.  And the most important thing is, this eyeliner didn't make my eyes smarting! Looveeee this!>‿<

The packaging is just so-so. I bought this liquid eyeliner in Singapore. It's made in Japan, when I bought it the SA told me that this eyeliner is a brand new product from Maybelline Japan, I feel so relieve because at that time I was confuse between this Maybeline liquid eyeliner and SANA liquid eyeliner. When I tried it there, I love this eyeliner more than SANA's.

♔ LOVE ♔
✩ Waterproof
✩ Smudgeproof
✩ Thin and easy to use
✩ Pen type liquid eyeliner
✩ Natural black finish

♔ HATE ♔
✩ I can't get it in my country!
✩ Two of my friends said they can't find this eyeliner anymore in Singapore, is that true? O_O

Purchase this again? YES. I hope I can find this eyeliner again for back up. But I still have dolly wink, SANA and K-Palette eyeliner so I'm not going to purchase any liquid eyeliner again until all of them is finish. ≧△≦
My eyes is really oily and this eyeliner is really do a good job on my eye. I recommend this if you have a same problem like me. lol


And My Mini Giveaway winner is............................!!!!!!
(I use ^O^_)

 Her number on Google spread sheets >w<

Congratulation for you Dina!!! And thank you so much for all people who joined my mini giveaway~ ◕ ‿◕ I'm so happy many people joined it, I hope I can make another giveaway in the future! (^▽^)

♡ random ramblings ♡

Okay, so I want to update about my clothing line and boutique thingy since bunch of people really interested in it (Thanks loveliess!!) >‿<, I'm finally got one tailor and she already finished making one of my collection last two days. And I was so happy cause it's exactly like what I wanted (well, I already explained it so detailed to her). And yesterday, I went to her home again and gave her 2 design again for make. Yay! I'm so excited, I want to search 2-3 tailor again so I can make the collection faster. But since the worker who currently build my boutique still hasn't back from holiday, it's not making any progress at all!
Sigh, I need to be patient I know. LOL, but that's fine since I'm still looking for tailor. I'm thinking to find a shoe maker too for my clothing in the future. Hehe
So, what I was doing this week is making a clothes for my mom, prepare my clothing line and other daily life thingy ( ̄▽ ̄)ノ
I still searching a label maker for my brand now, I found 2/3 people who can make it but since the respond is really slow I want to find a more competitive one for making my clothing label. Still long way to go ladies but I need to work hard more! ^-^

Thanks for reading, one day to go for weekend (yayyyyy) that's mean I have more time for blogging. I'm going to reply all comments one by one. Have a nice day everyone, stay healthy~~! Love yaa (≧∇≦)/ 

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

No Make Up Look ?? + End of my giveaway

Hello ladies (≧∇≦)/ !! Wonder why I've made this post?? Okay, so I realize I've always put make up everytime I go out now. It's become a habit now and I don't think that's wrong so I'll not stop doing it. It just, my family (dad, mom and brother) and my boyfriend, oh well, they've said that I put too much make up on my face lately. Puahhahaah I know!! But, I can't help it because I love doing make up and I feel like I waste my make up If I'm not use it when going out. It's not like I'm afraid going out without make up, really~

So, I've came up with a decision. I will not use heavy make up again when going out with them except for a party or meeting. LOL. And guess what? My mom was really happy and said I look more younger without all that circle lens, eyeliner and fake lashes! ≧△≦""
Yeah, I know mom.. but yeah, I'll not stop using make up. It'll be so boring, lol. (#゜皿゜)\

Want to see me without circle lens, eyeshadow, eyeliner, fake lashes and shading? Lol. I'm sure I had post my bare face before and a video where I didn't use any make up. 
Since all my post now is the too-much-make-up (<-- my bf said that (゚O゚((○=(`▽´*)o ) me, so I'm going to post it again with less-make-up-me when going out. hehe because I've already post my bare face before so I'm not going to post it again :p This is me.. and yeah! I still wear make up, only wear bb cream and soft mascara. What do you think? LOL. No make up look, really look like I'm not wearing any make up at all. Look ugly or no? >_<

Wonder what's the difference? so many!

Small eyes, round face, flat nose, flat and short false lashes!! T__T aww~~ huhuh

But, I still LOVE my self! The ordinarry me. Why? If I don't love my self, how other people suppose to love me? (///∇//)
Always be confident and you will feel great everyday! No need to feel desperate, envy or mess with other people because I love my self~! And I want all my readers to love themselves too and I know you are! ^O^)/
Okay, enough talking for this post (^▽^). See you on the next post, back to my beauty blog again. Lol, sorry if this post is boring~ hahahhahahahha and once again, sorry for late reply all of your lovely comments, I'll reply it on weekend~ ^-^)v
Love you ladies!! Stay happy and pretty!~
Thanks for always reading >w<


Btw, my giveaway has ended yesterday~~ Thanks for joined everyone!!!! I'll post the winner this friday~ Sorry for so late, I need to put all the name first. See you soon! :*

Monday, September 12, 2011

Dolly Wink Eyelash Fix Review

Hello ladies!! (≧∇≦)/, I want to give some opinion about this eyelash fix. It's from Dolly wink, well I guess everyone already know about this right? Haha the first reason why I bought this glue was because the packaging is super cute! >‿< After use it for a while, I realize this glue is better than other glue I've ever tried! ≧△≦

NYX Haute Jersey Leopard couture

Hello ladies! (≧∇≦)/ 
A Quick swatches and love/hate comparison, I hope it's clear enough~

1st Row

2nd Row

3rd Row
First Row

2nd Row

3rd Row


Another side
Lip gloss swatch

Blush swatches


♔ LOVE ♔
✩ Got, 24 different playful eyeshadow colors.
✩ Got 3 different tone bronzers which has a good pigment.
✩ Got, 2 pretty blushes color.
✩ Cute leopard palette
✩ All eyeshadow has a good pigment and easy to apply.
✩ Mirror n applicator included
✩ Great for travelling.

♔ HATE ♔
✩ The leopard color isn't pigmented >.<
✩ The lipglosses are too sticky

Purchase again? No. I don't even think I can empty this palette >w< .lol

Thanks for reading, hope this post helps. Have a great day everyone and stay healthy!

ps : arigatou ne~ me-know-who! ε===(っ≧ω≦)っ *hugs*

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Eye Make Up Tutorial :: Brown Big and Round Eyes ♥

Helloooo all my readers and friends~ (≧∇≦)/
As promised on my last post about kkcenterhk lower lashes review, I would post the eye make up tutorial. Fiuhh, finally done edited it so it looks more neat and easy to read (I hope so!) (゜∀゜). This look is actually made for kkcenterhk review last wednesday, the eye make up is pretty easy. And at that time, I was thinking I haven't made any tutorial again. Some friends already requested me to make some long time ago. Sorry, for not many tutorial make up I've made x_x.

I've used this 4 colors from this two palette, I already gave it a number so it looks more easier to follow. Isn't it? >‿<

Okay, so here'e the tutorial~ Enjoy and I hope you like it.(`∀´)ノ 
And, don't forget to color your eyebrow first okay. I'm not good at drawing eyebrow, so no tutorial for it /(///∇//)\

That's the tutorial, I hope it's easy to follow. I've tried to make all steps are clear and easy to do. ≧△≦
Sorry, If that's not clear enough. I'm not really good explain something. huhu

This is the final look after shading, applied blush, lipstick and lipgloss. These are the products I use, you can click the images to see my review of it. ◕ ‿◕ ,except the blush.

and if you're wondering what lens I've use, I was using Princess mimi lens in sesame gray >‿<)v

more cam-whoring pictures to come, skip if you don't want to see, lol 8'D

smile~~ from your heart >w<


my fave pose, lol I see many poses like this on my pictures x_x

my friends said I look like kumicky here, lol I wish! (゚O゚((○=(`▽´*)o

smile again~~~ I hope everyone is happy ♥ ♥

Thanks for reading my tutorial ♥ and I hope everyone like it! Tell me your opinion about this eye make up, I'm still learning and need advice (///∇//) v. Hope I can stop reviewing products and making more tutorial, lol (I wish!) Have a nice weekend and stay pretty ladies! (≧∇≦)/

Tips Untuk Mencari Pasangan Yang Cocok