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Saturday, April 20, 2019

Balada Landlord

Sesuai dengan janji aku di IG story, kali ini aku ingin share 'keanehan' landlord aku di UK/Inggirs. Dari banyak artikel-artikel yang aku baca, ternyata bukan hal yang jarang terjadi kasus-kasus aneh yang dilakukan landlord di UK. Nah semoga dengan sharing aku kali ini kalian jadi lebih hati-hati mencari tempat tinggal jika berencana stay di sini. 

Kira-kira 2 setengah bulan lagi aku harus pindah tempat tinggal, dan sampai saat ini aku dan Mat belum benar-benar menemukan tempat tinggal yang ideal untuk kami berdua. Sebenarnya aku dan Mat sudah lumayan betah tinggal di flat kita sekarang. Namun, kenyamanan kami tidak dapat bertahan sampai setahun karena landlord kami agak sedikit 'aneh'.

Wednesday, April 17, 2019


Setelah sekian lama mencari Es krim ini, akhirnya malah gak sengaja ketemu di UK. Waktu pertama kali lihat kaget banget karena ternyata ada disini! Tapi karena cuaca di UK dari pertama kali aku datang selalu dingin, jadi belum kepingin cobain.

Kalian ada yang suka juga dengan es krim ini?

Sunday, March 24, 2019

KOSE Sekkisei Herbal Gel Review

A sleeping mask is something I wear to sleep every twice a week. When I was still in Indonesia, it wasn't hard to get Japanese skincare brand. It's available in most big department stores chain all over Jakarta. This sleeping mask is one of my favourites, and I'd love to share the reason to all of you.

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

February: Valentine? Life?

I know this is a late post, but let me share it.

2017, I still remember when I wasn't ready for a commitment, Mat has prepared to ask me to become his girlfriend on Valentine's day. He has written a song, a beautiful song for me. At that time, I didn't let him do that because I wasn't sure about many things.

I didn't want to give a flight of fancy to him after all of his efforts. A ton of things was complicated back then, so I didn't want to make it more tangled.

Monday, March 18, 2019

Fashion Style ?

After moving to the UK, there are so many things I should adapt to fit in here. For example, the weather. When you visit four seasons country for a trip or holiday, it feels okay to enjoy the cold weather once in a while. But when you live in the country, it not the same.

Tips Untuk Mencari Pasangan Yang Cocok