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Showing posts with label Lifestyle. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lifestyle. Show all posts

Monday, October 08, 2018

Cadbury World

Last Thursday, I went to Cadbury World with Mat. The area is near to our house, so we decided to give it a go. Luckily, it was sunny that day, so we managed to keep our plan to walk there successfully.

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

I'm Moving to the UK!

One month after my wedding, I moved to the United Kingdom with my husband. Yes, a husband! I can surely call him my husband now. If you had known me in person, you should know that I don't want to get married. But everything has changed, though I am still the same person as before.

This photo was taken at Dusseldorf airport, we had lunch at Marche while waiting for our next flight to Birmingham. We had a roasted chicken and a bratwurst for share.

Friday, August 17, 2018


Aku sengaja membuat post ini karena aku ingin cerita sedikit tentang asal muasal dua gaun pengantin milikku. Awalnya aku ingin membuat gaun aku sendiri, from scratch, mulai dari pola sampai jahit dan finishing plus detail. Namun Mama aku bilang 'jangan' karena kata dia bakal repot banget dan takutnya malah aku gak bisa fokus bikin karena ngurusin hal lain. Selain itu aku sudah lama banget gak buat gaun jadi proses pembuatan bisa sedikit lebih lama.

Wednesday, August 15, 2018


Minggu lalu hari selasa, aku pergi ke kantor VFS di Kuningan City untuk apply  visa UK ditemani oleh Mat. Cukup deg-deg an hari itu karena kami berdua tahu untuk membuat visa UK tidaklah mudah, mulai dari jumlah uang yang besar sampai dengan kelengkapan data-data yang harus kami lampirkan, semuanya harus kami siapkan dengan teliti sebelum mulai aplikasi.

Tuesday, August 07, 2018


Pemberkatan nikah adalah salah satu moment penting di hari bahagia aku dan Mat. Banyak sekali kesulitan yang kami alami dan tekanan yang aku rasakan sebagai orang non kristen sebelum hari pernikahan kami. Kami melakukan pemberkatan di gereja Mat yang berbadan GKI, dimana pernikahan beda agama dapat dilakukan dengan 3 syarat. Untuk syarat-syarat tersebut mungkin dapat kalian search sendiri di google yah.

Wednesday, August 01, 2018


Malam itu aku tidak bisa tidur sampai jam 4 pagi, bukannya nervous melainkan aku sedang meng-edit slide show yang akan diputar selama acara resepsi. Aku tidak khawatir, memang insomnia selalu menjadi teman malamku. Jadi jika ada sesuatu yang kulakukan seperti menyelesaikan slide show, aku merasa waktuku tidak terbuang dengan percuma.

Saturday, July 21, 2018


Mempersiapkan pernikahan benar-benar hal yang tidak pernah aku bayangkan sebelumnya. Namun setelah bersama dengan Mat kesiapan itu muncul begitu saja. Aku masih ingat dengan jelas akhir tahun 2016 kami ngobrol santai mengenai tujuan hidup dan apa yang kami cari dalam hidup. Saat itu kita berdua belum jadian (lol).

Kebetulan gelombang Mat sama dengan aku, makanya kami bisa langsung nyambung dan ngobrol topik-topik yang deep dengan santai. Malahan itu jadi hal yang menarik untuk kami bahas.

Cerita bagaimana akhirnya kami memutuskan untuk menikah sebenarnya tidak ada yang spesial, tapi mungkin bisa aku ceritakan dengan sesingkat mungkin.

Saturday, July 14, 2018


Serupa dengan post aku sebelumnya, kali ini aku masih membahas tentang pre wedding session aku di Jepang. Nah untuk sesi yang kali ini, aku dan Mat sangat bersyukur dengan kebaikan Tuhan karena kali ini kami hampir saja tidak melakukan photoshoot karena sikap seorang photographer yang jujur saja kurang professional.

Tuesday, July 10, 2018


Dari dulu aku selalu punya perasaan yang spesial terhadap Jepang, mungkin karena sejak kecil aku suka sekali baca komik dan juga nonton Anime. Entah kenapa 1st impression aku saat melihat Sakura itu romantis, saat itu juga aku punya impian ingin melihat Sakura bersama dengan orang yang aku cintai. Hanya saja saat itu aku tidak pernah berpikir orang itu adalah calon suami ku karena menikah bukanlah impianku.

Saat memutuskan akan menikah dengan Mat, aku bilang ke dia kalau aku ingin foto pre-wed dengan latar belakang bunga Sakura dan bagaimana pendapat dia tentang itu. Mat tentu saja ingin membuat aku bahagia dan ia mengusahakan itu untukku.

Monday, May 28, 2018


I always have problem with my digestion, my stool becomes very sluggish these few weeks.

It's hard for me to fall asleep and I become very moody. I have a very slow digestive system and have allergies with some foods. I've tried many ways to improve my digestive system by adding fiber to my diet, multiplying the fruit and vegetables, but still the same. Maybe its because of hormon or mental problem...

Then I tried this product from Kinohimitsu because it was suggested by Vina, this was effective for her. I consumed few bottles but not very effective for my digestive system and the price was quite expensive. :/

Saturday, May 26, 2018


Japan is a country with dozens of interesting things. Every month there are hundreds of tourists whom visit Japan to enjoy the beauty of the country. Spring is my favorite season in Japan because I can see Sakura!

taken by me from Chureito Pagoda

If you want to travel to japan, I have some basic tips for you who want to travel alone without a guide. I would rather advise you to travel without a guide because you can save a lot of money and you can shift the money for other expenses such as foods or stuffs.

Sunday, February 11, 2018

Parent's Heart

I will never know the heart of my parent until I become a parent my self. Sometimes, I wondered about their love language. There're many kinds of parents, for their childrens, they will always be their best parents.

Christmas Dinner

This video is supposed to be upload last year but postponed because I went to spent my New Year in KL with my family and boyfriend. After back from my holiday, I was busy spending my time with my fiance before he fly back to his town. I wanted to be with him as much as possible.

Friday, February 02, 2018


I know this is a (kind of) late post about my engagement day because this was happen on December 20th 2017. The date is exactly one year after we know each other and fyi we didn't plan on specific date because we were waiting for my parents information about the "good date" for our special day.

If you've followed me on Instagram, you should know this news already. :)

Thursday, February 01, 2018


Hey guys, I'll be sharing some of my writings from my Instagram stories. You know, I brace my self up to share my writings again because of my fiancé. He knows that I love writing and he supports me to share it.

I was afraid to share my feelings and my thoughts online since a year ago, I can't tell you the reason because I don't want anyone to assume and create their own drama anymore. I'm so tired of that.

Btw, If you followed my Twitter back then, Twitter is a media where I can share my recent real feelings about anything, both positive and negative, it's the media where I can release my down feeling.

And it could be anyone or anything I read/watch. If I was sad, I expressed my sad feeling by tweeting. That applies to any kind of emotion as well, anger, happiness, over whelmed, etc.

You know when you're so depressed and have no place to rant?

Saturday, December 16, 2017

My New Two Tone Hair! + Youtube

Hello guys, it's been a while since my latest video on Youtube. Anyone miss me? lol.

Ever since I walked my road show with Shinzui Ume at many schools in Jakarta, I got many requests to do video blogging (aka vlog) from all the students. I was torn like 'should I do it' or 'shouldn't I' because I was used to Blogging (I blogged since  and I don't know if I can produce a good video.

Luckily, I got a full support from my boyfriend and my beloved sister plus some DM's+comments from my follower as well.. I feel blessed to received many positive supports from people around me! And so I decided to give it a try :D

Friday, April 21, 2017

The Deal

Lately my Facebook timeline is full of status about Jakarta's Governor election, the issue is quite huge because Jakarta is the capital city of my beloved country Indonesia. Many of my friends voiced their feeling about the quick result, their disappointment..

Wednesday, April 05, 2017

How to Beauty Sleep?

Hello ladies, are you the one who willing to stay awake for the sake of your favorite drama, anime or manga? If you're still teenager then maybe sacrificing your slumber time wouldn't have any noticeable effect for your skin. But when your age reach 25, everything changes..

dress is from ZARA (Shanghai)

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Daniel Wellington Christmas Promotion

Hey guys, recently I got a classic time piece from Daniel Wellington, if you're a fan of their watches you should get one for your self or for your loved ones this Christmas.

Tips Untuk Mencari Pasangan Yang Cocok