Hi guys, before we start, I want to notify you that this post is a bit long. However, please read thoroughly to the end so you'll get the ideas.
The reason why I compose this post is that I got a lot of questions regarding my hair. I realise that I never really talk about how I take care of my hair completely. Please be aware that my routine is probably not suitable for you as we might have different hair texture/type. Besides that, our hair records are different as well.
Without further ado, I'm going to share some notes about my hair journey so you'll get the concept of my whole routine. It is important to record my hair story before I've found the one that works for me.
The reason why I compose this post is that I got a lot of questions regarding my hair. I realise that I never really talk about how I take care of my hair completely. Please be aware that my routine is probably not suitable for you as we might have different hair texture/type. Besides that, our hair records are different as well.
Without further ado, I'm going to share some notes about my hair journey so you'll get the concept of my whole routine. It is important to record my hair story before I've found the one that works for me.