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Showing posts with label Life Update. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Life Update. Show all posts

Sunday, December 24, 2023

Happy Mother's Day 2023

Mom is the definition of simplicity. Even with what she and Dad have, they shy away from flashy things. It's just not their style, you know? They often get teased by their friends for being considered wealthy, yet their style remains simple. The funny thing is, they don't care because worldly luxuries aren't their priority. They value comfort and long-term financial security more. 

From ground zero, my parents built everything we have today. Their hard work paved the way for us to enjoy a comfortable life. We always carry that thought with us. It's why we find so much inspiration in their way of life. Sure, we might lean a bit more toward splurging, but we don't easily get swept away by fancy stuff. My siblings and I believe that our true value isn't about what we wear. What truly makes us proud is the harmony and closeness in our family. 💕 

Thursday, June 02, 2022

Kesempatan Tinggal Di Luar Negeri

Tinggal di luar negeri tentu saja sangat appealing bagi kita yang merasa bosan tinggal di Indonesia. Entah karena merasa tidak cocok dengan orang-orangnya atau budayanya yang terlalu konservatif. Selain itu, orang awam kerap berpikir bekerja di luar negeri akan mendapatkan gaji yang jauh lebih besar daripada bekerja di Indonesia sehingga pindah ke luar negeri menjadi keinginan banyak orang terutama kaum muda.

Saturday, March 26, 2022

iMAC 2011 Yang Masih Berguna

Bulan lalu, aku dan suami ingin sekali beli sebuah komputer di rumah supaya aku bisa menulis blog dan juga bekerja melakukan berbagai macam aktivitasku yang biasa. Kami mengincar iMac yang terbaru namun stok dimana-mana kosong, padahal hari itu kami sudah bertekad ingin beli. Namun, mungkin doaku dijawab Tuhan dan ada perubahan rencana supaya aku tidak perlu mengeluarkan uang lebih banyak haha.

Tips Untuk Mencari Pasangan Yang Cocok