There're many people asked me, what is my favorite false lashes pair for hang out. Some of them want to know which false lashes I use the most. I'm going to share 3 of them here, with pictures. I start with a popular brand first on this post :p
Let's check it out~! 。◕‿◕。
1. Dolly Wink no.2 Sweet Girly and Dolly Wink no. 5 Real Nude.
Most people probably like to pair Dolly wink number 1 with number 5, just like Tsubasa wear on Dolly Wink packaging. But, I love to pair it with the number 2 because the edge effect is look nice with the natural and long design of Dolly wink number 5. See? I think this is my personal taste. lol. I've cut no.5 and apply it one by one to create a natural look.
I often use this two pair of false lashes when going out for lunch or to a mall, bhahahahha. I already wear them for more than 5 times but still looks good right?? Although Dolly wink is a bit pricey but I think it worth the price. Just my personal opinion. ~( ̄、 ̄;)~
This is the whole look.
2. Dolly Wink no. 1 Dolly Sweet and Dolly Wink no. 8 Pure Little
I like to pair Dolly Wink no. 1 with no.8. it would create a natural Dolly look which look clean and not much. Dolly Wink no.1 isn't has a volumizing design and the Gap is make it look natural, that's why I like to pair it with Pure Little. They look so cute together! (///∇//)
This is the whole look.
3. Canmake no. 9 and Dolly Wink no. 13 (+ other lashes from kkcenterhk)
This one, is thicker but I love to use it if I go to a mall which far from my house (;¬д¬).

Canmake no.9 design is look like Diamond lash Angel Eye to me. I added 2 parts of false lashes on the edge for a fluffy effect ♥, I think this will make the false lashes look more balance. And to pair the Canmake, I love to use Dolly Wink no. 13 or sometimes no.6. But, since this is just for hang out I think no.13 is look more natural than no.6 because it's thinner. o( ̄∇ ̄o)
This is the whole look.
Which one do you like the most? (´∀`)♡ Haha, I'm going to make the Part 2 later. Thanks for reading ladies~! Today is my anniversary day with my BF ヾ(´▽`;)ゝ, hehe I'm so happy and going to meet him tonight. Ja ne~~