Revlon ColorStay liquid foundation in Ivory for Normal/Dry Skin. I've been heard many good reviews about this liquid foundation, all of them says this foundation has a great oil control. I was really curious and want to try it my self へ(゜∇、°)へ. HOWEVER, I didn't read the Normal/Dry Skin part when buying!!!! Aaaarrrghhhhhh, I wanted to buy the Oily Skin version!!! My skin is combination and bit oily after hours on my nose area, I really hate my self, I forgot to told the SA about it, awh that's my bad. ヽ(#`Д´)ノ
So, Does this liquid foundation works on my skin type?
The liquid texture, isn't thick but not watery as SANA liquid foundation.
The liquid is really easy to blend and I think the coverage is amazing! Actually, at the first time I use it, I didn't find out about the Normal/Dry skin part, I use this foundation and think this was for Combination/Oily Skin. LOL. (ノ*゜▽゜*) But, my skin is become oily only around my T-zone, a bit dry over cheek and my jaw. That's why this foundation works really well on me! It blended so well, great coverage and doesn't cakey. Although this foundation is for a normal skin, but I think it still control the oil around my T-zone and makes my skin feel moist so it doesn't feel itchy.
When I use it for hang out about 4-5 hours, my make up stayed really well. And my T-zone looks not oily or cakey or washy. Really nice right? And the price is really affordable too, it's about 90.000 idr ($ 9).
But, I really HATE o(-`д´- 。) the bottle, because it doesn't have a spatula on it. With a spatula I can control the liquid and doesn't make the mouth look dirty because of left over foundation around it.
What I love about this foundation
ღ Affordable
ღ Easy to get
ღ Easy to blend
ღ Covers my imperfection so WELL
ღ Makes my skin feel moist but not feel oily or greasy
ღ Stay for hours!
ღ Doesn't cakey
What I don't like
ღ I hope the cap has a spatula on it like SANA Maiko Han foundation.
I hope you like this review ladies, I'm sure many of you already read many good reviews about this liquid foundation, and some of you might have try it ("⌒∇⌒")! But, Thank you so much for reading and your feedback. I'm going to post my experience about Lancome on my next post, I just come back from the event at 7. I need a rest, the meeting place is far from my house and the traffic is horrible! SOrry I can't reply all you comment now, I was lack of sleep and feel so sleepy atm, bye ladies! Good night! ^^/