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Tuesday, March 19, 2019

February: Valentine? Life?

I know this is a late post, but let me share it.

2017, I still remember when I wasn't ready for a commitment, Mat has prepared to ask me to become his girlfriend on Valentine's day. He has written a song, a beautiful song for me. At that time, I didn't let him do that because I wasn't sure about many things.

I didn't want to give a flight of fancy to him after all of his efforts. A ton of things was complicated back then, so I didn't want to make it more tangled.

Monday, March 18, 2019

Fashion Style ?

After moving to the UK, there are so many things I should adapt to fit in here. For example, the weather. When you visit four seasons country for a trip or holiday, it feels okay to enjoy the cold weather once in a while. But when you live in the country, it not the same.

Sunday, March 10, 2019

Scent and Soul Hot Water Bottle Review

A few weeks ago, James from Scent and Soul sent me this Hot Water Bottle to try out. I've been suffering from chronic low back pain for a year. I'm hoping this would ease the pain a bit.

Sunday, February 24, 2019

Don't be discouraged

There are people who like to drag you down by their insults, criticisms and humorous put-downs.

They could be anyone.

Friday, February 22, 2019

NI Number (NINO) - How I Apply

Waktu aku sharing mengenai hari interview aku untuk mendapatkan National Insurance Number di IG Story, banyak orang-orang yang mengira aku melakukan interview untuk job yang baru. Jika kalian sudah baca post aku yang sebelumnya mengenai pekerjaanku saat ini, kalian pasti sudah tahu.

Lalu apa sih NI interview jika bukan interview pekerjaan? Mungkin pertama-tama aku jelasin dulu apa sih NI Number (NINO) itu?

NINO atau National Insurance Number sebenarnya mirip seperti NPWP di Indonesia. Untuk bekerja di UK/Inggris, aku memerlukan NINO supaya terdaftar secara legal dan pemerintah dapat menghitung pajak dari penghasilan aku untuk sistem keamanan sosial mereka. Walaupun aku tidak bekerja full time, tetap saja aku membutuhkan NINO untuk bekerja.

Gampangnya, kalian anggap saja NINO itu seperti NPWP.

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