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Thursday, June 23, 2011

Little Haul, Review + my 1st Video! D:

Hello lovelies! O(≧∇≦)O~~~ Okay! So yesterday I was eating at Pizza Marzano, Supermall, then I saw a cosmetics brand event. And they're on promotion!
You know, its so HARD to not look at it. *fail for saving money

Then I saw Opera 'a japan brand', I really mad if I saw any brand made in Japan, it just like, wow I wanna get it some of those... bla bla bla
Opera is has a new mascara, and it's called Volume Control Mascara. ( ̄□ ̄;)
You can choose your desire number, the bigger the number, the result is more volume and more longer your eyelashes look. but still look so natural. BUT, one thing, this mascara is designed for Natural Look which you can use everyday.
It only has one color, black blue. And when I tried it at the counter, it really really
looks like I was not wearing any mascara, despite that I had apply it again and again and it still turn so natural.(* ̄m ̄)
So, don't use this mascara to party! bleh

Except the mascara, the SA offered me Opera Moist Lipgloss, Opera moist lippies, Opera moist water eye color and so damn cute Face Color.
At the end, I purchased the lipgloss, eye color and their blush.
The promotion is buy 2 product -20%, and I got the face color for 30.000 idr only. So damn cheap for the cute dolly pink color.o(●´∀`)o

Ya know, the moist water eye color is use for eyelid primer and they have 4 color, baby blue, baby pink, white and purple. I took the pink one coz when I tried it looks soo cute on my eyes. And it's perfect for base!( ゚з゚) (゚ε゚ )

The haul  and one of them isn't Opera. LOL

Dolly pink! So cuteee, I can't wait wear it for FOTD ~( ̄、 ̄;)~

The eylid primer

My local brand. Sapa hayo yang suka juga sama sari ayuuu?? (・∀・@) Haven't open it. got many babies to play~~

And this is the mascara!

in black blue. only one color.

But, today I want to give a review of their mascara! Yeah, is really good IMHO. I want to share it with my lovelies friends too, this mascara is GOOD for Uljjang look.
Why? Because Uljjang look is always so natural.(`ー´)
And many my lovelies love Uljjang too. So I made a VIDEO, Yes! a really amateur VIDEO.(`▽´*) Coz, I think is more easy to record it than capture it. *GAHH

This is my 1st time making such a Video, and NO (・_・ 三・_・) I'm not trying to be a 'something' coz i'm not.(>□<).  I just want to share about this real natural mascara to my reader. And that's why I didn't put any base or make up, and I was REGRET it!(°Д°;≡°Д°;) Because my fugly pimples scars, yeah that giant pimples
on my 1st tutorial post is becoming a red mole? -.-;; So bear with it okay?三(/ ^^)/ 

Here is the video, I don't talk much, coz I can't speak English really well, I can laughing you know. Like a goat 0,0 So I talk a little and just write a note on my video.

Disclaimer : my really short and flat lashes can't be

I don't even know what to write on the title *baka

Hope you can see the different! 
Here's few pikkus

forgive my thin and short eyelashes 。゚(゚´Д`゚)゚  
such a FAIL

This mascara is fiber type and easily move with warm water, and doesn't messy if you remove it.  ((っ・ω・)っ I like this mascara! (forNotWearingMascaraLook only), and for my blog reader in Indonesia, you can try this mascara first at the counter to see what it like. You can find Opera at matahari, metro or sogo probably.

Thanks for reading lovelies!
Hope it helps~

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Look : Easy Gyaru Eye Make Up + My 1st Tutorial!

I'm so excited cause finally, I can make a tutorial (・∀・) 
However, I'm afraid my tutorial isn't easy to understand.
But, I put a pikkus together so If you don't
understand what I mean, just look at the pictures. ( =w= )

This EYE make up tutorial is so easy and for someone who has
a small eyes like me TT_TT, lol!
I don't use many things too in this make up,
so all beginers can do this too~~

I did this eye make up last night when I couldn't
sleep, kekekekek. So I didn't use any base, just my bare face. (ノTДT)
For my lovelies who always said that my face is flawless and
 want to see my bare face, you can see it in this post, (>□<) 
Cause I only use my daily night skin care on
my face, I never want to use make-up on my face at
night cause my skin need to relax at night (*゚ー゚).

                           my bare face ( ゚з゚) (゚ε゚ )

Soo, here is the tutorial~
And I'm using an eyelid tape on this tutorial to make my small eyelid look bigger.
Sorry for my silly eyelid tape application. I'm using wonder eyelid tape.  ('∇';)  

Btw, don't forget to blend the harsh line >_<

So How is the tutorial?
If you have a question just ask me okay,
I'm not really confident that my tutorial is good enough.
So give me an advice and comment lovelies ( ̄∀ ̄)

And now~~ for the looks and cam-whoring pikkus.
ヾ(●´▽`●)ノ  hehehe

bear for my bare skin, it looks bit oily and Im wearing a lipgloss only.

try to pose cute ( ̄□ ̄;)but FAIL

Try to Look HOT but FAIL
Bear for my bare skin! Lol

Please let me know what you think lovelies!
Thanks for watching!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Review : Beauty Credit Honey & Sugar Mask

Hello (≧∇≦)/
Finally, I'm going to make review of my fave mask. It's Beauty Credit Honey & Sugar Mask.

From the web
Honey & Black Sugar Mask 

The concoction of honey and black sugar is excellent in treating exhausted and tired skin, and in bringing back the natural beauty of your skin. Regular use will reveal the layer of baby soft skin in hiding. Skin tone becomes clear and glowing just after one use! A must have mask pack!

Monday, June 13, 2011

Look: Natural Doll VS Nude Doll

Hello ladies!
Actually I've made this look yesterday when
I went to a mall with my bro n sis for lunch at sushi tei.
I really like to make my eyes look like doll.
I don't play much with eyeshadow for natural make up.

So, this is how it looks like!
(warning: many pictures to come)

Natural Doll Look!

I use ::

mufe hd primer, missha bb boomer, missha pc #21
everyday minerals base, eg mineral starlight glow

eg mineral cundado beach

sari ayu intan, etude house proof 10 eyeliner ; eyeglow white
maybelline unstoppable mascara

etude house dear darling tint #1 ; glassade #11

this was my outfit yesterday (///∇//)

And then, after arrived at home.
I was thinking to playing with my make up,
so I made this Nude Doll look.
With bold eye and NUDE lips.
I made my natural lashes look like false lashes 
(In real it looks really thick and dolly)
But, because my natural lashes is SHORT, yeah SHORT.( ̄□ ̄;)
It doesn't show much in this below pictures, how sad (ノTДT)

And I was too lazy to put a blonde wig,
So this is how it looks like!

Nude Doll Look.

I use ::

sari ayu intan, etude house proof 10 eyeliner ; eyeglow white
maybelline unstoppable mascara, vov single e/s gray, revlon color stay e/l

etude house color me nude ; glassade #11


In real, my eyes looks pretty crazy and bold.
But in pictures, it looks okay (‘A`)
And when I was clean the mascara is sooo damn hard.

and I don't think nude lips suit me ( ̄へ ̄)
maybe coz my hair is black?or my skin is too fair? soob soob

So what do you think?
Which one do you like?and more suit me?
Natural Doll or Nude Doll?
lol *slapped my self

Thanks for reading anyway!

Review: Pond's Gold Radiance Serum

I'm going to post it with Indonesian language.

Hello smua! (≧∇≦)/ Hehehehe jadi grogi >_<
Banyakk sekali yang minta aku untuk ngrepiu produk ini.
(kbanyakkan temen di indo jdi aku pake indo aja)
Soalnya produk ini gampang banget didapetin di pasaran,
alias ada dimana-mana! wwkwkkwk (・∀・) 

Pertama kali aku mau beli Ponds ini,
karena essence ku yang ku pesen beluum
dateng". Gak sabar menunggu,(●`3´●)
akhirnya ku comot aja Ponds Gold Radiance Serum ini,
pas lagi belanja sama mama.

Alesannya? terlihat meyakinkan sih!(`▽´*)
Dan umurku udah kepala 2, kayanya aku memang butuh ini.
So, ku putuskan aja untuk nyobain 三(/ ^^)/ 
Selain itu katanya ini bisa menghilangkan
flek dan noda item bekas jerawat gitu.
Secara aku banyaaaakkk skali flek dan
bekas jerawat dan cacar! *ngarep banget produk ini ngefek!

foto ini udah dari bbrapa minggu yang lalu. hehehe

Aku pake produk ini udah sebulan kayanya,
lupa-lupa inget sih, tapi isinya udah
tinggal setengahhh sekarang.(‘A`)

Pendapat aku ::

1. Serum ini bikin noda-noda di wajahku memang lebih
memudar.Gak besar perubahannya, tapi aku merasa
wajahku lebih rata warnanya n bersinar (halah!)

2. Bikin kulit kencang dan kenyaalll. Garis" halus
deket alis, mulut n mata jadi terasa moist.

3. Karena moist sekali jadi di pake dikit aja udah cukup,
aku pernah pake kebanyakkan besokannya ada jerawat kecil.
Kulitku sensitive sih gak boleh terlalu lembab.(’-’*)

4. Pencetan yang buat ngluarin serumnya amat
sangat menyebalkan sekali!! Suka mandek" gitu,
tapi jadi lebih higinis sih soalnya gak kontak ama
tangan langsung.

susaah banget ngeluarinnya, musti ditahan n agak keras.grrr

5. Kalo pake serum ini, jangan pake serum atau
essence lainnya, Soalnya aku pernah pake malah gatel",
tapi kalo emulsion/lotion yang ringan gak papa.
(Tapi ini efek ke kulitku loh, sapa tau di kamu engga)

Penampakkan pas dipake di tangan.
partikel emas ini emang bikin kulit lebih bersinar.

Hmm, apa lagi yah? Kayanya itu aja sih.
Kalo ada yang mau ditanya gpp, soalnya tkut ada yg 
kelupaan. hehe maklum pikun ┐('~`;)┌ 

Purchase again? Maybe. 
Tapi ada artikel mengatakan pake product yg mengandung 
partikel emas bisa bikin ezchema(bener gak tuh tulisannya).
Tapi kurasa itu tergantung wajah kita sih.( ̄へ ̄)
Soalnya aku pake gak knapa", fine" aja.

Kalian ada yang tau produk ponds baru yang
mengandung Camelia Leaf (Green Tea)?
Pengen banget nyobain! Hehe
Abis keliatan meyakinkan sih~~


Tips Untuk Mencari Pasangan Yang Cocok