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Monday, April 09, 2012

A sunny Day and High Knee Socks from kkcenterhk (pictures spam)

I always love Sunny day than Rainy day (*´▽`*), Sun always make my day more brighter and cheer up my mood. Last saturday, I was going to lunch with my bf at Sushi restaurant. I was wearing a high knee sock that day, got weird stared everywhere I walked. I don't care about what they think as long I'm happy, and it JUST a sock! hahahhaha!

Saturday, April 07, 2012

New Liese Bubble Hair Prettia Honey Beige Color! + met my high school friends + fotd + ootd

HELLO, SO, I'm here again with another LIESE review. I was bleaching my hair on tuesday and on Wednesday, I was dyeing my hair again with Honey Beige color from Liese, the new color which look so pretty and silky. XD XD

Actually, I want to wait until 1 week to see my hair color but I can't wait any longer!!!!! XDDD , that Annoying orange hair is look uneven and kinda weird.

New Liese Bubble Hair Prettia Hi Bleach Review

Hello ladies \(@ ̄∇ ̄@)/! Do you know Liese Prettia has a new packaging for 2012?. Their release 2 new colors too! Honey Beige and Jewel Peach. The new Liese Prettia is contain Royal Jelly to moisture your hair while dyeing. On this post, I'm going to talk about the new Hi Bleach from Liese Kao Prettia.。◕‿◕。Oh yeah, Liese has a hair bleach too, hahahahha XD

Thursday, April 05, 2012

NYX Round Lipstick Pure Nude Swatch

Hellooooooooooo~~~~ ^O^ ^O^ Looking for affordable nude lipstick to wear? I'm sure you already know about NYX Round Lipstick, available in 126 shades with velvet and soft texture. This lipstick is kindly sponsored by Mirielle Beaute, online shop which is based in Indonesia. They have so many ready stock NYX cosmetics with affordable price, just check their fb site for more information.

Okay, now to the lipstick! She's kindly let me choose the color I want, I choose Pure nude, a nude peach color.

Wednesday, April 04, 2012

Cute Bow Knot Leopard Glasses

Hello~ Hello~ o(≧▽≦ )o o( ≧▽≦ )o , Do you love wearing fashion glasses just for fun? 
BornPrettyStore kindly sponsored me one cute glasses for try. This glasses doesn't even has glass on the frame, mwhahahahaha. So, this is purely for fashion and fun! Check out their store here.

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