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Showing posts with label osaka castle. Show all posts
Showing posts with label osaka castle. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

My Day in Osaka (Glico Japan Trip Day 1)

Few weeks ago, I went to Japan to visit GLICO company. I was invited by Poppy (thanks Poppy!) to join this project. This trip is to learn about Glico and enjoy Osaka and Tokyo. 

I remembered last year, I wish that I could come back again to Japan this year in Autumn season and it comes true! Autumn is so beautiful.. I can't even..

Sunday, April 27, 2014

One Day in Osaka (Part One)

(sorry for my slow update on my blog ;__;)

On the second day in Japan, I woke up very early because I'm going to OSAKA! YEY! To reach Osaka, I must ride a Shinkansen from Tokyo. Actually, I didn't plan to visit Osaka at the first time because I already booked my room for 10 days in Tokyo. Then I crazily decide to visit Osaka from the morning and come back to Tokyo at night, hahahhaha (~ ̄▽ ̄)~ 

I laughed every time I see this stupid photo HAHAHHA (  ︶ ▽ ︶ )

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