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Sunday, November 26, 2017

Ba Yu Horse Oil Face Mask in Cherry Blossom

Have you ever heard about Horse Oil? At first (before I purchased this item), I thought Horse Oil isn't literally a 'Horse' Oil but they just made the name so it sounds special.. But lately I just found that this miracle oil is derived from Horses..

So what is Horse Oil?

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Liese Prettia Bubble Hair in Natural Ash (Before-After)

Few weeks ago, I decided to re-dye my hair because my roots is getting getting longer and noticeable. To be honest, I didn't plan any bleaching process in the future. Sometimes I thought that I'd stop dyeing my hair because seriously it needs a good maintenance!

And now as I'm getting older, I lost the excitement of bleaching my own hair like what I did years ago. I just don't find any urge to do it or maybe I'm just getting lazy. ppfft

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