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Showing posts with label revlon blush. Show all posts
Showing posts with label revlon blush. Show all posts

Friday, September 23, 2011

Revlon Blush red apple

Hello my friends(っ≧ω≦)っ! This is my first blush on from Revlon. I never tried Revlon blush before. I fell in love with this color when swatch it on the counter. The color is really soft and pretty, it has a really soft apple red color with a hint of rose red color which made your cheek flushed so cute and so natural.

I need a natural red blush so I picked this blush. And when I tried it, even my bf said my cheek look cute. But, there's something I don't like about this blush, It doesn't really show on pictures and hard to build up.

So, this is the swatches.

without flash

with flash

♔ LOVE ♔
✩ natural blush color
✩ great for everyday use
✩ inexpensive

♔ HATE ♔
✩ Takes time to build
✩ the packaging isn't interesting
✩ the small brush inside is like a wrecked broom!
✩ doesn't show on pictures

Purchase again? No. But, maybe I'll try another color of this series.( ・∀・)

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Today I'm invited to a birthday party event, I'm still thinking what should I wear, make up and of course hair style. It's my step-mother birthday, lol she was my mom friend and she doesn't has a daughter so she want me to become her step-daughter since I was a kid. I don't meet her very often, lol. I hope I don't become awkward when meet her tonight  ( ̄▽ ̄).

Yesterday, I was playing with my cosplay wig because I really want to try it again for a long time. and did lots cam-whoring -_-"", so here's the look. bahahahahhaha
stupid face (゜∀゜)~(゜∀゜)~(゜∀゜)~(゜∀゜) LOL

Thanks for reading ladies and have a great weekend!(≧∇≦)/

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