Nara adalah salah satu kota di Jepang yang memiliki banyak kuil-kuil Buddha dari jaman dulu. Yang menarik dari kota ini adalah banyak sekali Rusa yang dibiarkan berkeliaran dengan bebas di jalan. Kebanyakan Rusa-Rusa tersebut berkelompok dekat dengan kuil-kuil dan mereka sangat ramah dengan manusia, saking ramahnya mereka bisa noel kamu untuk beri mereka makanan. hahah
Nara is one of the cities in Japan that has many Buddhist temples from ancient times. What's interesting about this city is the Deer that are left to roam freely in the streets. Most of the deer are clustered close to the temples and they are very friendly with humans, so friendly that they can poke you to give them food. hahah
Nara is one of the cities in Japan that has many Buddhist temples from ancient times. What's interesting about this city is the Deer that are left to roam freely in the streets. Most of the deer are clustered close to the temples and they are very friendly with humans, so friendly that they can poke you to give them food. hahah