Nara adalah salah satu kota di Jepang yang memiliki banyak kuil-kuil Buddha dari jaman dulu. Yang menarik dari kota ini adalah banyak sekali Rusa yang dibiarkan berkeliaran dengan bebas di jalan. Kebanyakan Rusa-Rusa tersebut berkelompok dekat dengan kuil-kuil dan mereka sangat ramah dengan manusia, saking ramahnya mereka bisa noel kamu untuk beri mereka makanan. hahah
Nara is one of the cities in Japan that has many Buddhist temples from ancient times. What's interesting about this city is the Deer that are left to roam freely in the streets. Most of the deer are clustered close to the temples and they are very friendly with humans, so friendly that they can poke you to give them food. hahah
Untungnya dijadwal perjalanan aku kali ini ada kunjungan ke Nara walaupun cuma sehari. Aku sangat bersemangat karena aku suka dengan binatang, apalagi Rusa itu super lucu dan mengingatkan aku dengan Bambi. <3
Luckily, this time I got Nara scheduled on my trip even though only a day. I'm really excited because I like animals, moreover I think Deer is super cute and reminds me of Bambi. <3
Para rusa ini memang sangatlah lucu dan menggemaskan, hanya saja rakusnya bukan main! Di dekat sana banyak kakek-nenek yang jualan Shika Senbei yang merupakan snack kesukaan si Rusa. Hmmmm... Rusa aja punya snack kesayangan yah, luar biasa.
The deer are indeed very cute and adorable, but they are just greedy! There are many elderlies sell Shika Senbei which is a favorite snack of the Deer. Hmmmm ... even Deer have favorite snack lol incredible.
Shika Senbei warna nya putih agak butek gitu dan bentuknya tipis-tipis menyerupai kepingan yang menghimpit rambut nenek. Tau kan? Yang warna pink-pink itu loh. Aku coba beli dengan harga 150 Yen, sayang sekali Senbei ini tidak dapat ditawar :V
Shika Senbei has a dirty white color and thin that resembles a waffle in Indonesian's snack 'Rambut Nenek'. Have you ever heard that? It's in Pink color. I bought the Senbei for 150 Yen.
Rusa-rusa ini rupanya notice kalau aku beli Senbei dan mereka uda ngumpul semua di sekeliling aku bahkan sebelum aku buka Senbei-nya. Wahai para Rusa.. sabar dikit boleh? Tapi mereka gak sabar loh, aku kan kepingin foto-foto dulu saat di kelilingi para Rusa biar berasa seperti Snow White (?). Awalnya itu tujuan aku beli Senbei itu.. namun impian itu buyar dalam beberapa detik. Ada 1 Rusa yang nakal nubruk-nubruk aku pakai tanduknya dan berkat dia para Rusa lainnya ikutan dengan gigit rok aku dan tali kameraku. Plis? TT_____TT
These deer apparently noticed that I bought Senbei and they all gathered around me even before I open the Senbei's pack. Oh Deer .. be patient pleae? But of course they can not wait for their snack. Actually, I want to take a photo first when I was surrounded by the deer and let me feel like Snow White (?). Initially it was my goal to get the Senbei .. but my dream was dispersed within a few seconds. There is a Deer who naughtily poke me with his horn and thanks to him after that the other deer follow him by biting my skirt and camera's. Please? TT_____TT
Akhirnya aku malah jadi lari-larian menyelamatkan diri sambil ketawa-tawa kegirangan sebelum badanku diunyel-unyel sama mereka... -____-"""
In the end, I run away to escape from them while laughing with joy before they bite me again ... -____- "" "
Setelah Senbei di tangan aku mulai habis, para Rusa ini mulai tenang satu per satu, beberapa menyerbu pengunjung lain untuk minta Senbei. Untungnya aku bisa foto-foto juga sama beberapa Rusa yang rada kalem, lol. Btw, kalian bisa loh mengelus-elus para Rusa ini tapii hati-hati karena mereka bisa gigit walaupun gigi mereka rada tumpul sih.
After the Senbei in my hands began to run out, the deer started to calm down one by one, some rushing at other visitors to ask for Senbei. Luckily I can have some pictures with some Deer, lol. Btw, you can stroking the Deer, but be careful because they can bite you even though their teeth is a bit blunt.
Tuh lihat deh guys, padahal wajah Rusa ini begitu polos dan tenang. Tapi gak lama setelah foto ini kelar, dia langsung nubruk aku lagi untuk minta Senbei. ^^"
As you can see this deer look very calm and innocent. But after this photo, he hit me again with his horn for a Senbei. ^^"
Kalau kalian ada yang berpergian sama anak kecil, harap dijaga yah.. soalnya takut waktu nubruk kena kepala atau matanya. Horrorr :(
If you guys are traveling with children, please look after them closely.. because I'm afraid that the Deer will hit them with their horn and accidentally hit the children's eyes. Horrorr :(
Aku suka banget suasana di taman-taman sekitar kuil Todaiji yang hijau dan rindang penuh pepohonan. Selain bebas polusi dan rokok, taman ini juga dipenuhi dengan Rusa-rusa yang sedang duduk santai dan pacaran, adem banget deh lihatnya hihihihi.
I love the atmosphere in the garden around Todaiji temple, many greens and full of trees. In addition this place is pollution-free and smoking-free, this park is also filled with Deers, they are relaxing and courting, awww love it!
Disini ada satu patung Buddha yang katanya dapat menyembuhkan berbagai penyakit jika kita menyentuhnya. Serentak banyak orang-orang yang mengelilinginya baik dari yang muda maupun yang tua. Aku sendiri pun iseng-iseng berhadiah berdoa dan megang-megang dikit, hehe.
There is a Buddha statue that well known as he can cure various diseases if we touch the body. Simultaneously a lot of people's hand trying to touch the statue for fun; from the young to the old. I, myself also trying to touch and pray for my wellness, hehe.
Overall yang menarik untuk dilihat disini tentu saja adalah rusa-rusa-nya yang lucu. Rusa-rusa disini sebenarnya jinak-jinak kok jadi kalian gak perlu takut untuk dekat-dekat mereka. Hanya saja jika kalian mau beli Senbei nya, aku saranin agak gesit dikit supaya kalau mereka mulai nyeruduk dan gigit kalian bisa lekas menjauh.
The main attraction to be seen here of course is the cute Deer. The Deer here are actually tamed, so you do not need to be afraid to get close to them. It's just that if you want to buy the Senbei, I suggest somewhat you need to be a little more agile so that if they start poke and bite you; you can quickly run away.
Aku sempat digigit sih tapi gak sakit kok karena gigi mereka tumpul-tumpul seperti sudah dikikir terlebih dahulu hahaha XD
I was bitten once but it wasn't hurt at all because their teeth aren't sharp; more like being filed first hahaha XD
Sebelum meninggalkan kuil ini aku foto-foto dulu dengan set timer karena terpisah dari rombongan. Outfit yang aku pakai hari itu serba ungu dan pink, hehe warna kesukaan aku. :D
Before leaving this temple I took a photo of my self with a timer first, because I was separated from the group. I wear a Purple Pink Outfit that day, hehe my favorite color. : D
Nara is one of the cities in Japan that has many Buddhist temples from ancient times. What's interesting about this city is the Deer that are left to roam freely in the streets. Most of the deer are clustered close to the temples and they are very friendly with humans, so friendly that they can poke you to give them food. hahah
Untungnya dijadwal perjalanan aku kali ini ada kunjungan ke Nara walaupun cuma sehari. Aku sangat bersemangat karena aku suka dengan binatang, apalagi Rusa itu super lucu dan mengingatkan aku dengan Bambi. <3
Luckily, this time I got Nara scheduled on my trip even though only a day. I'm really excited because I like animals, moreover I think Deer is super cute and reminds me of Bambi. <3
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waktu pagi hari ku tak dapat tersenyum karena masih mengumpulkan nyawa :| |
Pagi itu aku bangun cukup awal karena aku harus dandan untuk foto-foto. Anehnya kalau sedang perjalanan begini aku malah sukar tidur karena dag dig dug sepanjang malam.. hehe. Aku menginap di hotel yang aku lupa namanya, jujur aja aku gak begitu mudah mengingat nama-nama hotel, begitu pula dengan nama-nama orang. Ada yang kaya aku juga gak?
That morning I woke up early because I had to dress up for my photographs. Strangely when I was traveling, it's even hard for me to sleep (I got insomnia) because my heart beating fast all night .. hehe. I stayed at a Hotel which I forgot the name, honestly it's not so easy for me to remember the names of Hotel, as well as the names of people. Anyone with me?
Untuk sarapan aku makan bubur putih dengan Ikan Saba plus appetizer ala Jepang yang dingin-dingin menyegarkan di pagi hari. :)
For breakfast I ate rice porridge with Saba Fish plus a cool, refreshing Japanese-style appetizer in the morning. :)
That morning I woke up early because I had to dress up for my photographs. Strangely when I was traveling, it's even hard for me to sleep (I got insomnia) because my heart beating fast all night .. hehe. I stayed at a Hotel which I forgot the name, honestly it's not so easy for me to remember the names of Hotel, as well as the names of people. Anyone with me?
Untuk sarapan aku makan bubur putih dengan Ikan Saba plus appetizer ala Jepang yang dingin-dingin menyegarkan di pagi hari. :)
For breakfast I ate rice porridge with Saba Fish plus a cool, refreshing Japanese-style appetizer in the morning. :)
Kalau tidak salah kami sampai kuil Todaiji jam 9 pagi, masih lumayan sepi dan aku masih bisa bengang-bengong kaget dulu lihat Rusa-Rusa-nya berjalan kesana kemari XD
If I'm not mistaken we arrived at Todaiji temple at 9 am, it still pretty quiet there and I was surprised to see the Deer goes to and fro XD
If I'm not mistaken we arrived at Todaiji temple at 9 am, it still pretty quiet there and I was surprised to see the Deer goes to and fro XD
VINA, adikku yang lucu sedang bermain cantik dengan para Rusa rakus. |
Para rusa ini memang sangatlah lucu dan menggemaskan, hanya saja rakusnya bukan main! Di dekat sana banyak kakek-nenek yang jualan Shika Senbei yang merupakan snack kesukaan si Rusa. Hmmmm... Rusa aja punya snack kesayangan yah, luar biasa.
The deer are indeed very cute and adorable, but they are just greedy! There are many elderlies sell Shika Senbei which is a favorite snack of the Deer. Hmmmm ... even Deer have favorite snack lol incredible.
Shika Senbei warna nya putih agak butek gitu dan bentuknya tipis-tipis menyerupai kepingan yang menghimpit rambut nenek. Tau kan? Yang warna pink-pink itu loh. Aku coba beli dengan harga 150 Yen, sayang sekali Senbei ini tidak dapat ditawar :V
Shika Senbei has a dirty white color and thin that resembles a waffle in Indonesian's snack 'Rambut Nenek'. Have you ever heard that? It's in Pink color. I bought the Senbei for 150 Yen.
Rusa-rusa ini rupanya notice kalau aku beli Senbei dan mereka uda ngumpul semua di sekeliling aku bahkan sebelum aku buka Senbei-nya. Wahai para Rusa.. sabar dikit boleh? Tapi mereka gak sabar loh, aku kan kepingin foto-foto dulu saat di kelilingi para Rusa biar berasa seperti Snow White (?). Awalnya itu tujuan aku beli Senbei itu.. namun impian itu buyar dalam beberapa detik. Ada 1 Rusa yang nakal nubruk-nubruk aku pakai tanduknya dan berkat dia para Rusa lainnya ikutan dengan gigit rok aku dan tali kameraku. Plis? TT_____TT
These deer apparently noticed that I bought Senbei and they all gathered around me even before I open the Senbei's pack. Oh Deer .. be patient pleae? But of course they can not wait for their snack. Actually, I want to take a photo first when I was surrounded by the deer and let me feel like Snow White (?). Initially it was my goal to get the Senbei .. but my dream was dispersed within a few seconds. There is a Deer who naughtily poke me with his horn and thanks to him after that the other deer follow him by biting my skirt and camera's. Please? TT_____TT
Akhirnya aku malah jadi lari-larian menyelamatkan diri sambil ketawa-tawa kegirangan sebelum badanku diunyel-unyel sama mereka... -____-"""
In the end, I run away to escape from them while laughing with joy before they bite me again ... -____- "" "
Setelah Senbei di tangan aku mulai habis, para Rusa ini mulai tenang satu per satu, beberapa menyerbu pengunjung lain untuk minta Senbei. Untungnya aku bisa foto-foto juga sama beberapa Rusa yang rada kalem, lol. Btw, kalian bisa loh mengelus-elus para Rusa ini tapii hati-hati karena mereka bisa gigit walaupun gigi mereka rada tumpul sih.
After the Senbei in my hands began to run out, the deer started to calm down one by one, some rushing at other visitors to ask for Senbei. Luckily I can have some pictures with some Deer, lol. Btw, you can stroking the Deer, but be careful because they can bite you even though their teeth is a bit blunt.
Tuh lihat deh guys, padahal wajah Rusa ini begitu polos dan tenang. Tapi gak lama setelah foto ini kelar, dia langsung nubruk aku lagi untuk minta Senbei. ^^"
As you can see this deer look very calm and innocent. But after this photo, he hit me again with his horn for a Senbei. ^^"
Kalau kalian ada yang berpergian sama anak kecil, harap dijaga yah.. soalnya takut waktu nubruk kena kepala atau matanya. Horrorr :(
If you guys are traveling with children, please look after them closely.. because I'm afraid that the Deer will hit them with their horn and accidentally hit the children's eyes. Horrorr :(
Aku suka banget suasana di taman-taman sekitar kuil Todaiji yang hijau dan rindang penuh pepohonan. Selain bebas polusi dan rokok, taman ini juga dipenuhi dengan Rusa-rusa yang sedang duduk santai dan pacaran, adem banget deh lihatnya hihihihi.
I love the atmosphere in the garden around Todaiji temple, many greens and full of trees. In addition this place is pollution-free and smoking-free, this park is also filled with Deers, they are relaxing and courting, awww love it!
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aku berusaha Selfie dengan Rusa malah dia melet disini, makasih loh Rusa sayang, harusnya aku melet juga ya biar kembaran ^^" |
Setelah puas bermain dengan para Rusa, giliran kuilnya dikunjungi. Hari itu banyak anak-anak sekolah yang study tour kemari, tapi tenang aja, anak-anak Jepang lumayan kalem-kalem dan gak geradak geruduk sehingga tidak mengganggu konsentrasi aku yang sedang tenang-tenang mendayu saat itu.
After playing with the Deer, it's the time to visit the temple. That day there are many students who came here for study in group, but worry not, Japanese children are quite calm and not a bunch of sirens so they didn't disrupt my peaceful state of mind.
Kuilnya sendiri sih tidak begitu besar, aku hanya keliling-keliling di dalam sambil motret beberapa spot-spot yang menarik.
The temple itself is not so big, I just take my time and wandering around; inside while photographing some interesting spots.
Disini ada satu patung Buddha yang katanya dapat menyembuhkan berbagai penyakit jika kita menyentuhnya. Serentak banyak orang-orang yang mengelilinginya baik dari yang muda maupun yang tua. Aku sendiri pun iseng-iseng berhadiah berdoa dan megang-megang dikit, hehe.
There is a Buddha statue that well known as he can cure various diseases if we touch the body. Simultaneously a lot of people's hand trying to touch the statue for fun; from the young to the old. I, myself also trying to touch and pray for my wellness, hehe.
Overall yang menarik untuk dilihat disini tentu saja adalah rusa-rusa-nya yang lucu. Rusa-rusa disini sebenarnya jinak-jinak kok jadi kalian gak perlu takut untuk dekat-dekat mereka. Hanya saja jika kalian mau beli Senbei nya, aku saranin agak gesit dikit supaya kalau mereka mulai nyeruduk dan gigit kalian bisa lekas menjauh.
The main attraction to be seen here of course is the cute Deer. The Deer here are actually tamed, so you do not need to be afraid to get close to them. It's just that if you want to buy the Senbei, I suggest somewhat you need to be a little more agile so that if they start poke and bite you; you can quickly run away.
Aku sempat digigit sih tapi gak sakit kok karena gigi mereka tumpul-tumpul seperti sudah dikikir terlebih dahulu hahaha XD
I was bitten once but it wasn't hurt at all because their teeth aren't sharp; more like being filed first hahaha XD
Before leaving this temple I took a photo of my self with a timer first, because I was separated from the group. I wear a Purple Pink Outfit that day, hehe my favorite color. : D