Heyy~~\(//∇//)\, this'll be a short review about my new hair color now. I dyed my hair about 2 weeks ago before AFA Indonesia, because I become one of the meido so I didn't want my hair to looks fail. I need a perfect hair during the event, hahaha! ヽ(´Д`ヽ
So, I used this Liese Bubble hair in Milk tea brown to even out my hair color. Milk tea brown is a light brown color with a hint of ash color. My hair already looks greasy after 2 months so re-dye is a must!
This is what you get, I'm lazy to explain everything lol you'll know what to do after you buy the product. It comes with a manual guide which is super super informative and easy to follow! ( ─▽─ )
I already made review of Liese bubble hair many times, probably 3/4 times already SO if you want to read please just type "LIESE" on the search box okay? Thank you!(*≧▽≦)ノ
I already colored my hair with Fresh light hair dye in the before picture, so my roots looks a bit brown not black. (´・` )
As you can see in my before picture, my hair color looks yellow and lighter after the root coloring process. And bubble hair is like the easiest and fastest way to even out my hair color. I love the After picture because my hair color looks even and blend with the roots. ♡∀♡
I actually want to bleach my roots first but I ran out of hair bleach so I just replaced with any hair dye I have at home. hahahha
Maybe you can't really see the difference but believe me it looks better, hahhaha! My before greasy hair turns to pretty milk tea brown color.
I just hate the fact that I need more than 1 box now because my hair is super super long now! I can't dye my whole hair because it wasn't enough! *cry* , ok lah I still love the result, lol many ppl complimented my hair hahahaha #slapped
The day after the dye process I did a photo shoot for my Comicou, glad my hair looks so nice in the picture! Many ppl think I wore a wig though and I don't get it why, hhaha isit because my hair looks so fake eh? tsk

And for your information, I got my Liese hair dye at Watson in Singapore... lol, Indo doesn't carry Liese, so sad! Every time I go to Singapore I must stock my hair dye and it is not cheap because I need at least 2 boxes of Bubble hair dye / 3 boxes of Cream hair dye like Palty. ( *___*)
I got so many question about which to choose between Liese bubble and Palty bubble, I honestyl recommend LIESE because the formula is milder than PALTY. But Palty color stay longer on my hair than LIESE, hahaha. So it's your choice~! Good luck~ (ง •̀_•́)ง
Btw if you have any question can ask on comments or just mention me on twitter @cominicawaii for a fast reply ok, have a nice day! ( ๑˃̶ ॣꇴ ॣ˂̶)♪⁺·✧