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Monday, June 13, 2011

Review: Pond's Gold Radiance Serum

I'm going to post it with Indonesian language.

Hello smua! (≧∇≦)/ Hehehehe jadi grogi >_<
Banyakk sekali yang minta aku untuk ngrepiu produk ini.
(kbanyakkan temen di indo jdi aku pake indo aja)
Soalnya produk ini gampang banget didapetin di pasaran,
alias ada dimana-mana! wwkwkkwk (・∀・) 

Pertama kali aku mau beli Ponds ini,
karena essence ku yang ku pesen beluum
dateng". Gak sabar menunggu,(●`3´●)
akhirnya ku comot aja Ponds Gold Radiance Serum ini,
pas lagi belanja sama mama.

Alesannya? terlihat meyakinkan sih!(`▽´*)
Dan umurku udah kepala 2, kayanya aku memang butuh ini.
So, ku putuskan aja untuk nyobain 三(/ ^^)/ 
Selain itu katanya ini bisa menghilangkan
flek dan noda item bekas jerawat gitu.
Secara aku banyaaaakkk skali flek dan
bekas jerawat dan cacar! *ngarep banget produk ini ngefek!

foto ini udah dari bbrapa minggu yang lalu. hehehe

Aku pake produk ini udah sebulan kayanya,
lupa-lupa inget sih, tapi isinya udah
tinggal setengahhh sekarang.(‘A`)

Pendapat aku ::

1. Serum ini bikin noda-noda di wajahku memang lebih
memudar.Gak besar perubahannya, tapi aku merasa
wajahku lebih rata warnanya n bersinar (halah!)

2. Bikin kulit kencang dan kenyaalll. Garis" halus
deket alis, mulut n mata jadi terasa moist.

3. Karena moist sekali jadi di pake dikit aja udah cukup,
aku pernah pake kebanyakkan besokannya ada jerawat kecil.
Kulitku sensitive sih gak boleh terlalu lembab.(’-’*)

4. Pencetan yang buat ngluarin serumnya amat
sangat menyebalkan sekali!! Suka mandek" gitu,
tapi jadi lebih higinis sih soalnya gak kontak ama
tangan langsung.

susaah banget ngeluarinnya, musti ditahan n agak keras.grrr

5. Kalo pake serum ini, jangan pake serum atau
essence lainnya, Soalnya aku pernah pake malah gatel",
tapi kalo emulsion/lotion yang ringan gak papa.
(Tapi ini efek ke kulitku loh, sapa tau di kamu engga)

Penampakkan pas dipake di tangan.
partikel emas ini emang bikin kulit lebih bersinar.

Hmm, apa lagi yah? Kayanya itu aja sih.
Kalo ada yang mau ditanya gpp, soalnya tkut ada yg 
kelupaan. hehe maklum pikun ┐('~`;)┌ 

Purchase again? Maybe. 
Tapi ada artikel mengatakan pake product yg mengandung 
partikel emas bisa bikin ezchema(bener gak tuh tulisannya).
Tapi kurasa itu tergantung wajah kita sih.( ̄へ ̄)
Soalnya aku pake gak knapa", fine" aja.

Kalian ada yang tau produk ponds baru yang
mengandung Camelia Leaf (Green Tea)?
Pengen banget nyobain! Hehe
Abis keliatan meyakinkan sih~~


Sunday, June 12, 2011

Review : Beauty Credit Acerola Arbutin Cotton Mask

Beauty Credit Acerola Arbutin Cotton Mask
Pure cotton sheet mask for Clean and Clear Skin.

Acerola Extract 22mg, 440mg Collagen-containing

"Vit C in Acerola extracts effectively brightens the dark skin.
Arbutin in the hypoallergenic pure cotton sheet mask
soothes and hydrates the skin for radiant and
glowing complexion."

This product was a best seller in singapore. And I have a hard time getting this product.
Because this product is very fast OOS.
I'm so happy coz this brand is finally in my country!
But they seems don't have many stock of this Acerola range too.
The most sad thing is the emulsion and skin lotion is OOS in Korea.
And I think it's discontinue ㅠ_ㅠ
So I have to save money to complete my Acerola product range,
coz the product on the counter is pricey.

So this was me using this Acerola mask.
This cotton mask is just so nice!
 sorry for my silly face XD
After using this mask, well,
I think it's too small,huh?Photobucket

What I said about this product.

* The best sheet mask I've tried, coz the sheet is
from pure cotton and so soft and nice.
(It's hard for me to explain it, but its 
a hi quality mask!(´∀`))

* Hydrate my skin makes it so moist.

* Makes my skin look radiant.

* Brighten my dark spots and makes my pores look smaller.

* The smell is too strong! @_@
(I find all sheet mask smell quite strong)

Purchase again? YES! ^_^)v
but it;s quite expensive Photobucket

If you want more radiant and fairer skin,
then you should try this mask.
It's good for dull skin and brighter your
dark spots. ヾ(●´▽`●)ノ  
(but don't expect to much difference)

Relax your self while wearing mask in ac room,
don't think about anything for 10~15 min.
Feel your fresh face after it! (・∀・)v

don't forget to put your night skin care after this.

Thanks for reading, Hope it helps.

Thursday, June 09, 2011

BDay Haul from my BF ♥♥

BDay Haul from my BF ♥♥

I'm currently so busy now.
Coz I need to finish my costume for clash competition ASAP.
the deadline is almost come, so Im going hiatus for few weeks
next week.
And on 1 July im going to Singapore.

This is the Bday present from my BF ♥

Missha's isn't mine ^^v

Skinfood haul
Rose cheek chalk #1, Parsley n Mandarin Toner,
Pedicure Sparkle, Fruit Bunch Box #1,
Sugar bloom box #3.

Beauty Credit haul
Acerolla cream, Acerolla essence

The Face Shop
 (the right one liquid is messy, but still fine)

Innisfree Green Tea Pure Sleeping pack

That's all!
Thanks for reading ^-^
I'll make the upcoming post once i'm free.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Review::Skinfood Banana Yogurt Mask

Review::Skinfood Banana Yogurt Mask

Hello everyone!
I've been quite crazy about mask lately,
Especially when it comes to Korean Brand.

Now, I want to give a review about
Skinfood Banana Yogurt Mask.

"Skinfood banana yogurt mask wash off,
yogurt mask with banana extract to
prevent skin dehydration and
softly soothe sensitive skin".

Banana is an anti-bacterial from nature and 
very good in treating skin blemishes, acne 
and pimples. 
Antioxidants and vitamins in bananas 
function to restore collagen in the skin 
and it is very useful for anti-aging skin as well.
Bananas are a rich source of vitamin A and 
potassium, and they are very good at softening 
and hydrating the skin. 
It is a natural remedy for dry skin that is very effective! 

Yogurt could prevent bacteria and restrain acne. 
It contains lactic acid and other organic acids 
such as citric acid and glucuronic acid. 
It has good bactericidal and promoting healing 
functions on skin trauma, burns, acne and psoriasis and so on.

Yogurt could prevent skin aging and dry. 
It is rich in vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, 
vitamin E and carotene which can prevent the oxidation. 
Yogurt can effectively inhibit the oxidation of tyrosine 
to reduce the deposition of melanin. 
Therefore, the long-term use of yogurt can make 
skin white, tender, shiny and elastic.

 It has a small yellow dot,
I'm not sure what it is.
The smell is like Banana (?).
 The texture is not too thick.
It's like putting a banana juice over face.

I have read few review before bought
this mask.
And this mask has many good rating.
I read this mask is good for skin which
has redness and really sensitive,
so I give it a try.

What I said about this product?

* Makes my sensitive skin so supple.

* Smooth my redness on cheek and nose area.

* This mask makes my cheek and mouth area so soft!

* I think this mask is good for dry skin,
or dry area on your face.

I use it when my skin itch, dry and
when my redness appear.
Thanks God my redness is slowly disappear,
I don't know it's because this mask or
not. But this mask is great for treat
sensitive skin.

This is just my opinion though ^o^/

Will I purchase again? Probably.
 Coz I want try other yogurt mask ^w^

Monday, May 30, 2011

HAUL And Swatches

Holla ladies!
Girls always love haul don't they? (*´▽`*)

My latest haul~
This is from Beauty Credit! Yeah~
My currently favorite (⌒▽⌒)

(emulsin, toner, skin shower)
Acnever Series (It's not mine, I only use the essence
If pimples appears).

Samples! The SA is quite nice that day! lol

My favorite cotton mask!

And I got a member card from Beauty Credit~
I got 10% disc on skin care an 5% disc on Make up
every purchase.
And extra 25% disc on my birth day!
The member name is use my sister's name,
 coz her bday is on December! 
Can't wait until December for shopping there again ~(`▽´*)
Girls are just love bargain! ( ̄□ ̄;)

And haul from my near hypermarket last week.
This eyeshadow quad is my local brand.
It's so pigmented and cheap!
This pallete is just $ 3.

I was not using any base coz I forgot.

Haul from my local hypermarket yesterday.

Left : Pixy Eyeshadow Alluring Garden. $ 2.8
It's my local brand with license from Mandom Japan.

Right : Mustika Ratu Eyeshadow Smara Bumi $ 5.5
My local skin care n cosme brand.

Nice and cute colours~

withour flash

with flash (btw I was using base on right)

 Mustika Ratu Smara Bumi.
Earthy Colours~
So wearable and pigmented.
But the green one, has less pigment than other colours.

I'm so happy I can find such quality eyeshadow
with cheap price at my local brand!

Thanks for reading~

Tips Untuk Mencari Pasangan Yang Cocok