Hey ladies, last Monday I went to Nobu Hair and More, a Japanese Hair Salon at Citywalk, Jakarta. At first, I was going to try their Spring Gel Nail Art because one of their staff invited me. But later my client from OLIVE des OLIVE told me that they're going to have a collaboration together for Japan Week event.
So, they asked me to become their model before the event. Because at the end of this month I'm going to a trip, hehe so I can't attend. They will do hair colouring and make up, aw I'm so nervous. (⊙_◎)
I really love the atmosphere of this salon, so cozy, natural and feels like home.
All the stylists are very kind and nice too, too bad they only speak Japanese LOL.
Gel nail art! So many designs to choose, hahaha.
Okay, I'm waiting for the nail art~ still excited at that time lol, I came there from 10am ~_~ so early and so macet! hahahha (。º̩̩́⌓º̩̩̀).
Before, my bare nail. ahahha. I rarely take care of my nail now, because I don't have time to make any nail art. I really love nail art and this is the first time I tried a Gel Nail so, I'm kinda excited (?) LOL
The result!
I love the simple and cute design. Btw, gel nail art is very durable and I can do my activity like always without worrying that I can break the nail art. lol
And after the nail art, I need to wait like few hours because their customers are so many. Mostly Japanese, like 90-95% hahaha. Their stylist are all Japanese, so you can directly enjoy their good service.

My loonggg hair, I really love my hair like SO MUCH. But it damaged a lot because of curling iron. (+_+)
I am so nervous when they checked my hair. They said my hair is very very dry and damaged. I requested my stylist to cut end of my hair because it looks so dry and like super messy. But in the end, he didn't cut it at all and I don't know why~ (。•́︿•̀。) I even don't want to ask, hahahha! (๑¯◡¯๑)੭ु⁾⁾
My stylist was hesitate to dye my hair, so he only dyed my bangs.. I was like wtf? why only my bangs, it won't look different LOL
SO, the reason is he wanted to check my hair condition first, like if my hair still can take the colour or not and the chemical or not. I was like, why don't you dye everything la?! hahaha Japanese stylist always so perfectionist ne?
Well, I'm not sure why but I think he's a perfectionist. I think he doesn't want to damage my hair even more, but ( •́ㅿ•̀ ) oh well.. later he add more dye to the front part of my hair because he thinks my hair can take it, lol. And I looked very unsatisfied maybe? ԅ(≖‿≖ԅ)
The make up also good, otona kawaii style. Mature but still kawaii, hahhaha it's so different from my usual make up. My photo looks like the one in Japanese Hair Magazine HAHAH /slapped (●´∀`●)
I'm wearing OLIVE des OLIVE clothes. This make over is their collaboration for Kawaii hair, make up and fashion. The show will start on Sunday, March 30 at 8 pm. So, if you like Japanese hair style, make up and fashion, make sure you don't miss it! (๑•̀ुᴗ-)و ̑̑
Even though I can't be there, I hope everyone can come and support them. Let's spread Kawaii style in Jakarta! Haahahha \(//∇//)\
So, they asked me to become their model before the event. Because at the end of this month I'm going to a trip, hehe so I can't attend. They will do hair colouring and make up, aw I'm so nervous. (⊙_◎)
I really love the atmosphere of this salon, so cozy, natural and feels like home.
All the stylists are very kind and nice too, too bad they only speak Japanese LOL.
Gel nail art! So many designs to choose, hahaha.
Okay, I'm waiting for the nail art~ still excited at that time lol, I came there from 10am ~_~ so early and so macet! hahahha (。º̩̩́⌓º̩̩̀).
Before, my bare nail. ahahha. I rarely take care of my nail now, because I don't have time to make any nail art. I really love nail art and this is the first time I tried a Gel Nail so, I'm kinda excited (?) LOL
The result!
I love the simple and cute design. Btw, gel nail art is very durable and I can do my activity like always without worrying that I can break the nail art. lol
And after the nail art, I need to wait like few hours because their customers are so many. Mostly Japanese, like 90-95% hahaha. Their stylist are all Japanese, so you can directly enjoy their good service.

My loonggg hair, I really love my hair like SO MUCH. But it damaged a lot because of curling iron. (+_+)
I am so nervous when they checked my hair. They said my hair is very very dry and damaged. I requested my stylist to cut end of my hair because it looks so dry and like super messy. But in the end, he didn't cut it at all and I don't know why~ (。•́︿•̀。) I even don't want to ask, hahahha! (๑¯◡¯๑)੭ु⁾⁾
My stylist was hesitate to dye my hair, so he only dyed my bangs.. I was like wtf? why only my bangs, it won't look different LOL
SO, the reason is he wanted to check my hair condition first, like if my hair still can take the colour or not and the chemical or not. I was like, why don't you dye everything la?! hahaha Japanese stylist always so perfectionist ne?
Well, I'm not sure why but I think he's a perfectionist. I think he doesn't want to damage my hair even more, but ( •́ㅿ•̀ ) oh well.. later he add more dye to the front part of my hair because he thinks my hair can take it, lol. And I looked very unsatisfied maybe? ԅ(≖‿≖ԅ)
All of the stylists said that my hair is so strong after all the damage. I feel a little bit sorry for my hair, lol.
And while waiting for my hair, Hitomi-san was doing my make up! This is like a miracle because, usually, I don't want other people to make up my face, lol. But since it's Japanese make up artist, maybe I can give a try. She's very sweet and kind, I like her! ( ≧◡≦)
After wait for almost 9 hours (I think), finally I can see the result! (´・` )
In real the top part looks a bit violet, but in room light it looks brownish. I quite like the result, hehe the two tone hair looks good for spring I think~ If you're looking for a hair salon now, maybe you can try Nobu Hair but remember to make a reservation because it usually full.
The make up also good, otona kawaii style. Mature but still kawaii, hahhaha it's so different from my usual make up. My photo looks like the one in Japanese Hair Magazine HAHAH /slapped (●´∀`●)
I'm wearing OLIVE des OLIVE clothes. This make over is their collaboration for Kawaii hair, make up and fashion. The show will start on Sunday, March 30 at 8 pm. So, if you like Japanese hair style, make up and fashion, make sure you don't miss it! (๑•̀ुᴗ-)و ̑̑