Heyaaaa~~ヾ(´▽`;)ゝ How are you? I'm going to share my review about Eyemazing false lashes. Yeah, if you follow gyaru style or read japanese magazine you should know about Eyemazing already. I had review other eyemazing false lashes before and today I'm going to review number 001. Unlike Dolly Wink, I got 3 pairs in 1 box with cheaper price too, hahahahah.>‿<

Picture already taken for a long long time, hahaha before I change my logo watermark. But I always forget to review this ._. gomen ne.

Made in China 。◕‿◕。, hahahha not all China product is bad you know. Just like everyone knew, so many company opened their factory in China because the production price is cheaper and the human resources are a lot. The quality of this false lashes is good, actually it's quite similar with false lashes I got from kkcenterhk. lol ⊙▽⊙
♡ Design :
One thing that makes it look different is the Design !Σ(゜゜) You can see the pointy design on the feather and the criss-cross lashes between them. So cute!(゜∀゜)
I've found a dupe of this false lashes though and it's from kkcenterhk XD.
♡ The Band :
The band is well made but a little bit fragile when cleaned them. The feather was soft and nice too, but can't use more than 10 times like Dolly wink false lashes. Because when cleaned, sometimes the feather can fall...o(´^`)o
When wear it on my eyes, it looks so pretty~ Not that dramatic like I expected ( ゚ Д゚).
I wear it together with my favorite lower lashes from Dolly Wink, no.13. Read the review "here". And my princess mimi Green "here". (This photo is so old, bwhahahha *slapped)
With other make up, my 2nd pair. I love the design so much XD, but in photo it doesnt look obvious like in real life.
♡ Not Dramatic :
I can use this false lashes for hang out without afraid it will make me look too over. I'm happy because it's not look too dramatic, still natural for me.
See? Its look quite natural hahaha, but in real it noticeable enough, hohoho.
♡ Affordable :
I quite like Eyemazing false lashes, beside I got 3 pairs in 1 box, the price is cheaper than Dolly Wink, hhahahaha. But still, Dolly wink can re-use so many times than this. However, I don't mind purchase another pair of this though. XD
♡ Hard to get :
Can get via online only... TT___TT
Overall :
Worth to try!! But this isn't for you if you rarely wear false lashes because the shape can make your eyes goes down. Beside that, some people may think this is not natural. Well, opinion can be different right? But if you're planning to get this, well go ahead. Hahahahha XD
Picture already taken for a long long time, hahaha before I change my logo watermark. But I always forget to review this ._. gomen ne.
Made in China 。◕‿◕。, hahahha not all China product is bad you know. Just like everyone knew, so many company opened their factory in China because the production price is cheaper and the human resources are a lot. The quality of this false lashes is good, actually it's quite similar with false lashes I got from kkcenterhk. lol ⊙▽⊙
♡ Design :
One thing that makes it look different is the Design !Σ(゜゜) You can see the pointy design on the feather and the criss-cross lashes between them. So cute!(゜∀゜)
I've found a dupe of this false lashes though and it's from kkcenterhk XD.
♡ The Band :
The band is well made but a little bit fragile when cleaned them. The feather was soft and nice too, but can't use more than 10 times like Dolly wink false lashes. Because when cleaned, sometimes the feather can fall...o(´^`)o
I wear it together with my favorite lower lashes from Dolly Wink, no.13. Read the review "here". And my princess mimi Green "here". (This photo is so old, bwhahahha *slapped)
With other make up, my 2nd pair. I love the design so much XD, but in photo it doesnt look obvious like in real life.
♡ Not Dramatic :
I can use this false lashes for hang out without afraid it will make me look too over. I'm happy because it's not look too dramatic, still natural for me.
See? Its look quite natural hahaha, but in real it noticeable enough, hohoho.
♡ Affordable :
I quite like Eyemazing false lashes, beside I got 3 pairs in 1 box, the price is cheaper than Dolly Wink, hhahahaha. But still, Dolly wink can re-use so many times than this. However, I don't mind purchase another pair of this though. XD
♡ Hard to get :
Can get via online only... TT___TT
Overall :
Worth to try!! But this isn't for you if you rarely wear false lashes because the shape can make your eyes goes down. Beside that, some people may think this is not natural. Well, opinion can be different right? But if you're planning to get this, well go ahead. Hahahahha XD