Hey ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ ! I'm back with my holiday post today! So, on the fifth day I went to Coral Island. We need to woke up earlier because we were going to take a speed boat to cross the sea. I hate wake up in the morning ;A; hahhahaa.
Seee??? That's me with my flower flip flop, hehe
We played there for one hour and half because we need go back to the hotel, take a bath then prepare to check out (ノTДT). Schedule was super tight, but I managed to still look good at least, bahahhahahah.*slapped
After check out from the hotel, we were going to Bangkok again. On the way back to Bangkok, Sara brought us to Daiso (゜∀゜), hohohoo so happy but the Daiso there isn't big like the one in Singapore.≧△≦
But the store is super cuuuteeeee. o(´^`)o
Camwhore after shopping XD *slapped
After that, we continue the journey (lol) to Bangkok again. And before arrived at Bangkok Centre Hotel, we had a dinner first at The Royal Dragon Restaurant. The restaurant is superrrrr big!!!! *Q* There were some attraction too there. 。◕‿◕。
Food was okay, hahahhaha. Thai food is delicious!!
That's the end of the 5th day. Not many places we could go at that day, because the trip to Bangkok is quite far..(/゚Д゚)/ But, I bought many snacks for eat that day, hehe.

This wasabi's peanut is superrr good!!! I wish Indonesia have this!! >___<

Luffy! XD XD Got Chopper too, but didn't know where I put the picture.(¬、¬)
See you on the next part! Hahahaha and thanks for reading too~~ Hope you like it! Byeeee~~(/^▽^)/ Have a lovely weekend~!!