Hellooooo Ladies~~(≧∇≦)/ !! On this post, I'm not going talking about beauty things, lol, I haven't made any post like this again for a while because I always forget to capture the picture when I'm going out. hehehe, So, yesterday I was going to watch The Hunger Games with my family and my bf. And the movie was Great!!!
Haha, that girl, Katniss is really cool and amazing. She is really though and brave. Have you watched it?? >‿< , I fell in love with her *W*.
We had a lunch first at Leunca, before the movie started, the place decoration is really sweet. I can't help my self to taking picture there.lol all pictures took with my phone >.<
With my boyfriend
Random self-cam there XD , I look kinda weird -.-
After lunch, me and my sister had a frozen yogurt at Sour Sally, haha a really cute place. I always love to have a dessert after eating (*´▽`*)
A little talk about pantyhose/stocking (?), I was sponsored by kkcenterhk, they're really generous. They were kindly let me try this product. The pattern is really unique and cute, it's nice for cosplaying, bwahahaha. It named Aristocrat Floral.
I always afraid to buy stocking because my thighs is big! But this stretches fabric is fit me really well, hohoho. Check out the product here.
It's been a long time I didn't wear any black clothes, I have many black clothes which has been deserted on my wardrobe because I wear pastel/earthy tone more often now. So, I decided to wear it together with this stocking.
My face look weird, but yeah the stocking pattern is really good, even though my thigh is so damn big ;_; , thanks to kkcenterhk who sponsored this kirei stocking~^^
I went to Japanese restaurant near my house for dinner with my sister. I've been there so many times until I know the owner and waiters there LOL XD, took some pictures there with my phone. Aww, I'm so addicted taking pikkus with my phone now, I loveee my samsung galaxy note soo much!
Thanks for reading ladies, have a lovely weekend! I hope you like this kind of post, lol I feel my blog is getting boring because of so many make up reviews lately. Hehe, see you~!!(`∀´)ノ And I'm sorry I haven't reply all comments, I'm so sleepy now, need some rest soon. It's almost 4 am here, lol @_@" byeeee
Haha, that girl, Katniss is really cool and amazing. She is really though and brave. Have you watched it?? >‿< , I fell in love with her *W*.
We had a lunch first at Leunca, before the movie started, the place decoration is really sweet. I can't help my self to taking picture there.lol all pictures took with my phone >.<
With my boyfriend
Random self-cam there XD , I look kinda weird -.-
After lunch, me and my sister had a frozen yogurt at Sour Sally, haha a really cute place. I always love to have a dessert after eating (*´▽`*)
A little talk about pantyhose/stocking (?), I was sponsored by kkcenterhk, they're really generous. They were kindly let me try this product. The pattern is really unique and cute, it's nice for cosplaying, bwahahaha. It named Aristocrat Floral.
I always afraid to buy stocking because my thighs is big! But this stretches fabric is fit me really well, hohoho. Check out the product here.
It's been a long time I didn't wear any black clothes, I have many black clothes which has been deserted on my wardrobe because I wear pastel/earthy tone more often now. So, I decided to wear it together with this stocking.
My face look weird, but yeah the stocking pattern is really good, even though my thigh is so damn big ;_; , thanks to kkcenterhk who sponsored this kirei stocking~^^
I went to Japanese restaurant near my house for dinner with my sister. I've been there so many times until I know the owner and waiters there LOL XD, took some pictures there with my phone. Aww, I'm so addicted taking pikkus with my phone now, I loveee my samsung galaxy note soo much!
Thanks for reading ladies, have a lovely weekend! I hope you like this kind of post, lol I feel my blog is getting boring because of so many make up reviews lately. Hehe, see you~!!(`∀´)ノ And I'm sorry I haven't reply all comments, I'm so sleepy now, need some rest soon. It's almost 4 am here, lol @_@" byeeee