Koji spring heart no.1 - natural lashes for a natural make up look.
Just by looking on the picture, you can see that this false lashes is really really natural. Probably my most short and natural false lashes I've ever try. lol
I always love Japanese cute packaging, makes me so happy when look at it.hahahahah
The band isn't clear but don't worry, it claimed to create impressive eyelines and emphasizes your eyes naturally. It's easy to apply, the shape and size is fit my eyes perfectly.
I've decided to use this lashes for hang out with my bf last sunday afternoon. He always love to see me with natural make up, lol. Though, he doesn't hate me with my usual make up too, but he really hate if I wear overly dramatic make up LMAO XDXDXDXDXD
This look is inspired by Japanese natural make up, which I've seen on seventeen and cutie magazine. Sorry for my tired face, lack of sleep entire night. -`д´-
closer look to the lashes on my eyes, look really really natural! (I hate my uneven eye)
See how the false lashes blend naturally into my real lashes and the lower lashes.(-^〇^-)
Lookin' up, Do you like this false lashes design? What do you think? ♡♡
Hello ladies ヽ(*≧ω≦)ノ! I'm going to share my thoughts about this super natural lashes, Koji spring heart which kindly sponsored by Artie style cosmetics.❤
Just by looking on the picture, you can see that this false lashes is really really natural. Probably my most short and natural false lashes I've ever try. lol
I always love Japanese cute packaging, makes me so happy when look at it.hahahahah
The band isn't clear but don't worry, it claimed to create impressive eyelines and emphasizes your eyes naturally. It's easy to apply, the shape and size is fit my eyes perfectly.
I've decided to use this lashes for hang out with my bf last sunday afternoon. He always love to see me with natural make up, lol. Though, he doesn't hate me with my usual make up too, but he really hate if I wear overly dramatic make up LMAO XDXDXDXDXD
This look is inspired by Japanese natural make up, which I've seen on seventeen and cutie magazine. Sorry for my tired face, lack of sleep entire night. -`д´-
closer look to the lashes on my eyes, look really really natural! (I hate my uneven eye)
more closer look, this false lashes is really soft and I didn't feel like wearing any false lashes that day.
See how the false lashes blend naturally into my real lashes and the lower lashes.(-^〇^-)
Lookin' up, Do you like this false lashes design? What do you think? ♡♡
Japanese lashes always has a lovely design to try, like this false lashes, it still has a soft spiky look and look like my natural eyelashes. Btw, Artie sells this false lashes only for $5.99, you can visit their site here, Artie sell many Japanese brand cosmetics too, visit them if you're looking for Japanese brand products. Thanks for reading ladies~ (´∀`)♡