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Tuesday, January 03, 2012

RED CHERRY Lower False Lashes - sponsored by kkcenterhk

Hello ladies~~ I'm going to make a false lashes review again and this lashes is sponsored by kkcenterhk. The brand name is Red Cherry which made by 100% human hair. I'm surprised that this lashes is made in Indonesia XD, this lower lashes has a clear band. Not easy to bend like Dolly Wink but isn't hard to apply.

I really love this false lashes design, the inner corner is more shorter and more longer on the outer side. And the pointy end too, I just wish this lashes is more shorter to suit my eye shape, but overall I love it!

The look on my eyes, I feel like I should wear more dramatic false lashes on this look, but this way the lower lashes is look more striking.

without flash

with flash

I love this lower lashes design, the pointy end makes my eyes look sharp, please forgive my upper lashes, I should wear a more dramatic one next time. LOL, I always love clear band lower lashes, it looks more natural in real life and you don't need to line you eyes with bold eyeliner just for hide the band. So, this is the look.

My expression is kinda scary here X_X

And you can Get 10% Discount with this code BLGB385CH10 on kkcenterhk :)

Thank you for reading ladies, kkcenterhk has so many lower lashes collection and I can say most of them is really nice and you can find an unique lower lashes design there because they have so many design which you can choose. See ya on my next review! ^^/

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