Hello ladies (≧∇≦)/, so this friday morning I was become my friends model for her assignment. She was going to make a fashion magazine which need few photos spread. I asked her about the style and make up I need to wear, and she said to be my self and she prefer a knit/lace top and something cute and sweet (I have wear this outfit twice XD). So, I came out with this look for the photo shoot >‿< since I love japanese style and gyaru make up. (captured on different lightning, my hair color looks bit different because i edited the tone). This is my selcas, I haven't received all the photo shoot photos but already saw half of it this afternoon, I'll share it once I get it. (^▽^)
All pictures took with flash
If you're wondering what is the stick on the left, that is a mic which I use for singing. lol
✩ CIRCLE LENS : Geo Princess mimi
All pictures took with flash
do you see happi on the pictures?? *w*
♔ What I use ♔
✩ FACE :: LIOLE | ZA Skin beauty
✩ CHEEK :: Canmake cheek&cheek | NYX Haute Jersey (bronzer)
✩ LIP : Canmake nudy glow | Opera moist lip gloss
✩ EYE :: Majo Majo | MNY Hypersharp | Majolica lash expander
✩ FALSIES : Bornprettystore | Dolly wink no. 6
✩ CIRCLE LENS : Geo Princess mimi
Do you love this look? I hope you like it ^-^. I really love the lower lashes, it makes my eyes look dolly *w*. This is my favorite lashes from Dolly wink! Ah, please vote on the left top of my blog if you would like to see a new tutorial, I was fighting with my self whether I will make a gyaru make up or k-pop make up. @-@, Please help voting if you don't mind ^-^, thank you so much ≧△≦ . Just don't expect to much from me, because I'm not really good with make up. LOL (≧ε≦*)\
Have a great weekend everyone, :* Thanks for reading !(⌒▽⌒)