Hello ladies!! (≧∇≦)/ I'm sure many people is waiting for this review, hehe. I've got lotsa request for do a video tutorial when using Koji eye talk. I don't have many times for bloggin again this day, that's why I just ripped from my random make up video. This is how I apply and make it, everyone has their own style to make up. You'll find another way to apply it from other people, so just apply it the way you feel comfortable with. >‿<
This eye glue can be use for make your eyelid look bigger and deeper. But, you must still follow your natural eyelid line or it will look so weird. I'm not really good for make a different double eyelid because I just like stick with what I like, so I haven't done any experiment with this glue.( ̄ー ̄)
So, this is the video. Enjoy~ (^▽^)
♔ LOVE ♔
✩ EASY to use
✩ Not hard to find here
✩ Great for making a deep double eyelid
✩ Can be use as false lashes glue
♔ HATE ♔
✩ Stay for only 1-4 hours
✩ Not waterproof so beware if you're sweating
✩ Wait the glue become dry for a while
Purchase again? Yeah yeah yeah
I hope the video is clear enough to understand ≧△≦. Please let me know if you have tried it and it works. It's not hard really, just practise it and you'll definitely love it. But, I suggest you don't wear this eye glue outside for hanging out, or etc. Because it will ruin you eye make up *really.
Hope you like the video, Bye ladies~!! Stay happy and pretty!~(///∇//)