Liole waterdrop bb cream VS Liole beyond solution bb cream
This is the Liole bb cream comparison. I've got this bb cream as a gift from someone ^-^)v. The packaging is so cuteeee, baby blue and pink color!! look at those Cinderella pumpkin cart like logo. >w<)o
As you can see on the pictures the waterdrop bb cream shade seems bit lighter than beyond solution bb cream. The waterdrop texture is so light and watery, it's nice if you want to use it for everyday. And it suit an oily skin too, not sure if you have a dry skin because mine is combination. ^-^
The beyond solution bb cream texture is bit more thick and has a nice coverage (I use it for conceal too), it stay for hours on my skin but it get oxidize sometimes. ヽ(o`皿′o)ノ
with flash
without flash
Although the waterdrop shade is more ligher but it doesn't has a brightening effect on my skin after it's blended. It looks like I don't wear any bb cream at all ( ̄ー ̄). But the beyond solution makes my skin look more brigther and smooth because of the medium heavy texture.
with flash
without flash
The scent is almost same, it has a soft baby product smell or slightly flower scent.(///∇//)
after about 5 minutes
♔ Liole Waterdrop bb cream ♔
✩ A light weight bb cream, great for everyday use.
✩ Watery texture.
✩ Light shade.
✩ Doesn't makes me breakouts
✩ Doesn't oxidize.
✩ Doesn't has a brightening effect
✩ Light coverage
♔ Liole Beyond Solution bb cream ♔
✩ A medium weight texture bb cream.
✩ Thick texture (but not as thick as missha IMO).
✩ Natural shade.
✩ Doesn't makes me breakouts.
✩ Oxidize when I'm sweating/in a hot place.
✩ Has a brightening effect when blended.
✩ Medium-heavy coverage.
So, if you looking for a light weight bb cream for everyday use, go find Liole waterdrop bb cream. But, if you looking for a medium coverage with brightening effect you should try Liole beyond solution bb cream.
I hope this review is clear and helpful. Have a nice days Ladies!! and stay Happy~! (≧∇≦)/