Hello Ladies~! (≧∇≦)/ Now I want to make a famous color lens in Japan, Bambi Brown/ Princess mimi brown which is sponsored by GalLover.
Gal Lover sell many contact lens from many brand like Barbie Eye, Geo, Candy Magic and other brands with many design and style that you can choose! GalLover kindly sent me 1 pair of Geo Princess Mimi Brown which known as Bambi Series and designed by Tsubasa Masuwaka. I'm so happy when received this contact lens yesterday, this contact lens is really really pretty!!
Let's see the pattern! (☆ω☆*)
I love the red tone in the brown color and the design. I always love 3 tone color lens because it makes my eyes make up look bolder and obvious.
This is how it look on my eyes!
with different make up style, closer look
with more natural make up
I really love this lens! Btw sorry for my silly bottom lash application, lol I'm in a rush @__@
♔ LOVE ♔
☆ make my eyes big!
☆ same like Tsu-chan! <-- ヽ(´ー`)┌
☆ looks natural and not fake
☆ comfort
☆ Gyaru eyes look
♔ HATE ♔
☆ dry in air conditioner room
☆ Comfort : 8/10
☆ Pattern : 10/10 (LOVE it)
☆ Enlargement : 9/10
☆ Color : 10/10
☆ Price : $38.00 at Gal Lover
I definitely will purchase this lens again! I love all Princess mimi series and now I have 3 of them, So if you like this contact lens, what are you waiting for? Get this cute contact lens at Gal Lover, they store based in USA and free shipping worldwide! You can tell them you know this lens from my blog, maybe they'll give you discount #act like important person (゚O゚((○=(`▽´*)o
This is my look when use this lens, lol I look so sad, wtf Σ(゜д゜;)
With other look
with natural look
Gyaru look.
If you're wondering what FALSIES that I'm using I'll make the review tomorrow, just stay tuned! Love yaaaaa! Thanks for reading, hope it helps! >‿<