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Monday, May 23, 2011

Geo Princess Mimi Sesame Gray Bambi Series Review

Geo Lens is probably my fave Korean Lens brand at the moment. It's comfortable and the price is affordable. I have tried Geo 14mm, 14.7mm, 14.8mm and 15mm until now. So far the most comfortable lens is Mimi series, 15mm. I got this Princess Mimi Gray because when I saw Tsubasa wear it, it looks so pretty and cute. I think gray color is really suit dark hair. XD

The pattern is really unique and the 3 tone color is really pretty.

Today, I wear it for 5 hours in the afternoon, then after went back to my house, I wash it with contact lens solution, then wear it again and went for dinner, for almost 3 hours!

You know, I was eating Makassar Seafood BBQ restaurant where the Food is spicy and hot. My eyes still feel fine after going home and until now v(`▽´*).

But ya know, One thing I don't like from Geo Lens is when I want to take out the lens from my eyes I need to drop my eyes with eye drop first (so the lens become wet). That is to prevent my eyes being irritated. 

Just remember to take care of your eye with eye treatment, so your eyes will be fine and take care of your contact lens too ^^v.

"Don't forget to change the solution in 2-3 days". But Im lazy, I change it once a week (T▽T). LOL. 

It has a soft brown color inside the gray color, and it blended with green color. The black circle ring is supposed to make ur eyes look bigger. Sometimes, the gray color looks a bit green in room light. My friends said that this contact lens somehow make my eyes look like cat/Cat eyes. (///∇//)

Room neutral flash

white light flash

neutral color flash

♔ LOVE ♔
✩ Natural tone look
✩ Comfort
✩ Make my eyes big
✩ Mysterious look

♔ HATE ♔
✩ dry in AC room

Total Rating :

♔ Design : 10/10
♔ Color : 10/10
♔ Comfort : 8/10
♔ Dolly Effect : 8/10
♔ Bigger Effect : 9/10

me camwhoring with this Princess mimi lens XD, with natural make up.

another look for reference ^0^

Thanks for reading
(*^▽^*) / Hope this review helps!

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