Here's a review of my new barbie eye lens. I purchased A Diamond blue(aqua) one, and i really love the pattern!
It comes with a cute packaging, but its not really useful, hahahahahah
i captured it with flash in my room
this is the packaging, cute?
i moved it to a hipopo case. Because it's more hygiene and easy to clean! LOL
diamond look!looveee it.
what do you think?
I love this lens pattern, it makes my eyes looks teary and shiny! But, look unnatural, hahahah so obvious Im wearing a circle lens but who cares la! lol!
diameter: 17.5mm
water content: 42%
comfort : 9/10
color : 6/10 (the blue color doesn't really stand out)
pattern : 10/10
The bad things :
After use for 3 months, the lens isn't comfortable to use again.
Drying sometimes.
The bad things :
After use for 3 months, the lens isn't comfortable to use again.
Drying sometimes.
repurchase? maybe, i wanna try the black one/the green one. ヾ(´▽`;)ゝ
Thanks for reading gals~!