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Monday, August 06, 2012

Baby Color - Summer Doll in Brown for Kawaii baby doll look

Heyyaaa (ノ≧∀≦)ノ. Anyone know about this Color Lens?? I just got this lens from my lovely sponsor Tomatoonshop for review purpose. This brand named Baby Color and this is the Summer Doll series, you can check official Baby Color website HERE!!. This lens is come in super cute packaging, the most cute contact lens packaging I've ever seen!

Belanja di ShabangShabang Indonesia

Haii semua(≧∇≦)/  , kali ini aku pake bahasa Indonesia lagi yah! Di post ini aku cuman mau share aja sih pengalamanku belanja di shabangshabang. Mungkin kalian baru denger yah(゜∀゜), namanya memang masih baru banget di dunia online store Indonesia. Makanya aku mau share pengalamanku belanja disana.。◕‿◕。

Shabangshabang menjual produk kecantikan dari Korea yang tentu saja original dan gak mudah ditemukan di Indonesia ヾ(☆▽☆). Brand yang mereka carry itu salah satunya merupakan favorite aku, yaitu Innisfree. Karena itu aku menjadi tertarik untuk belanja disini. Selain itu, websitenya terlihat menarik dan gampang diikuti.

Nah ini nih halaman muka website ShabangShabang, menurutku pengaturan iconnya itu sangat rapih dan enak dilihat yah. Belanja juga jadi lebih mudah dan gampang. Kalian bisa lihat sendiri kan betapa bersih, simple dan menarik designnya.>‿<

Masami Shouko - Affordable Make Up Brushes from Kay Collection

I got lots of question about make up brush from my friends. They always curious about what make up brush Brand I use. I've never bought expensive make up brushes because I don't think I need it. Lol, I'm not a make up artist and I don't wear make up everyday, I thought it'd be a waste. XD This is Me though, you might be different from me. Hahahah ┌( ಠ_ಠ)┘ ┌( ಠ_ಠ)┘

So, Have you heard about Masami Shouko before? Masami Shouko is a make up brush brand which is from Japan and brought to Indonesia by Kay collection. I remember back then, about 2 years ago? I was looking for an affordable make up brush but I didnt want go to Pasar Baru (place you can get cheap cosmetics supply). So, I found Masami Shouko at Debenhams and I was so excited!! It's really affordable (T▽T), I remember I bought make up brushes for eyes that time.
And can't believe now I can try Masami Shouko brushes again from Kay Collection (Thank you!). They sent me 5 different brushes for try and I was Glad I don't have any of them! HAHAHAHAH XD

From left to right, Round Top HD Blush Brush, Large Powder Brush, Mini eyeshadow brush, Angled Eyebrow Brush and Dome Smudge Brush. Kekekeke sounds good? XD

Thursday, August 02, 2012

Buty Color Handmade Lower Criss-Cross Eyelashes

Not all girls used to wear lower lashes, some of them can't because they think it's hard, some of them says it's too dramatic and unnatural. I can't wear upper lashes without lower lashes ≧△≦, sometimes I feel something missing if I don't use lower lashes, hehehe I think I already used to it. It's become my life style now. (≧∇≦)/

This is a lower lashes that I got lately, it's from kkcenterhk. It's import from Taiwan and made in Vietnam.。◕‿◕。

Solusimu - Disposable Paper Toilet Seat Cover

As a woman, we need to concerned about cleanliness and hygiene for our body 。◕‿◕。. Especially in the intimate area. In Indonesia, It's rare to find public toilet which has disposable toilet seat cover, except luxury area. Malls, gas station, restaurants, etc, usually doesn't has it. 

Research shows that Flour Albus (keputihan) and Hepatitis A are infected to others through pee and poo, which makes Women more vulnerable to these germs while they unknowingly sit on public toilet seats. (eeeuuuhh (((( ;°Д°))))) Germs are not for Sharing!

This problem is makes me want to try this Disposable Paper Toilet from Solusimu. And share my thought about it. I am really concerned about this, many women doesn't really think they need this toilet paper. I, my self, really hate to use public toilet because it's freak me out to imagine all the germs and viruses. @__________@, That's why I really need this!

Wednesday, August 01, 2012

DBSC Professional Long Natural Eyelashes

Heyyy, I got this false lashes from kkcenterhk a while ago. I had review other DBSC false lashes in this post, please check it out if you haven't. ヽ(*≧ω≦)ノ

I choose this false lashes because it looks long and thin, I thought it'd be pretty natural >‿< . I love this kind of false lashes because I can cut and mix it with my other false lashes. Hohoho, really useful XD

Monday, July 30, 2012

Dolly Wink Long Mascara with video

Hello ladies, how are you???o(≧▽≦)o I hope you have a great Monday!! Now, I'm going to share my thought about Dolly Wink Long Mascara. This product was sent to me for review purpose from Kay Collection Indonesia. A officially store for Dolly Wink in Indonesia. 。◕‿◕。

Okay, I have a super short and thin eyelashes. You have to believe me, hahhahaha. That's why I wear false lashes a lot XD. I use mascara A LOT too, lol Can't live without mascara really!! Mascara can help lift my eye so my eyelid is look more obvious, my eyes look bigger.

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Shinjuku Premium Salon Kuningan City Jakarta - Review and Experience

Hellloooo (≧∇≦)/ , I'm sorry but I'm going to post this with Indonesian language, hehhehe you can use google translate to read it though or just looking at the picture XD *slapped

Hai semua! Jadi, untuk post kali ini aku akan menggunakan bahasa Indonesia ya. Hahaha, sudah lama banget nggak pakai bahasa Indonesia jadi merasa agak aneh, padahal bahasa Inggrisku juga nggak jago-jago amat sih. Tapi karena sudah kebiasaan aja mungkin ya.

Oke! Aku rasa beberapa orang mungkin sudah melihat postku kemarin tentang rambut baruku. Hehe, maaf ya kalau kesannya heboh banget, soalnya aku memang sudah ingin banget rambutku diginiin dari dulu. Lol, jadi pas sudah tercapai rasanya tuh senang banget! Terus jadinya lebay gitu ya kesannya, wkwkwk XD

Nah, banyak banget yang nanya tentang rambut baruku dan soal salonnya. Mungkin masih belum banyak yang tahu tentang Shinjuku Salon di Jakarta, karena masih tergolong baru. Mungkin bagi para blogger atau yang sering membaca blognya Stella, dll, sudah tahu duluan tentang Shinjuku Salon ini. Tapi mungkin bagi yang belum pernah dengar, mungkin postku ini bisa memberikan insight juga bagi yang mau cat rambut.

Awalnya, aku agak malas ke salon karena lama dan mahal, ya mahal. Temanku Miharu sering banget ngajakin aku ke Shinjuku ini karena dia penasaran. Dia sering cari di Google dan semakin pengen abis baca blog-nya si Tella. Dia pengen banget rambutnya blonde kayak Mugi (K-On), maklumlah dia cosplayer.

Aku cerita ke Stella dan dia bilang katanya di Shinjuku ada promotion gitu kan, aku pikir yah mungkin boleh aja sih aku coba kalo harganya cocok, ya gak? Aku coba email Ko Audi dan nanya-nanya, tapi dibalesnya agak lama sepertinya dia gak sempat buka karena sangat sibuk. Lalu, Miharu akhirnya telpon dan tanya langsung ke Shinjuku soal promonya dan kita akhirnya deal untuk datang kesana Rabu kemarin untuk konsul langsung sama Ko Audid nya karena rambut tiap orang kan berbeda yah.

Shinjuku Premium salon ini letaknya ada di Kuningan City lantai 1, aku sebel banget ke daerah sana karena ada 3 in 1!! Dan jauuuhh banget dari rumah ku (ノTДT), maklum lah tinggal di pelosok desa LOL. Nah, aku janjian untuk jemput Miharu di pluit junction, aku sampe bawa boneka tiger yang didandanin kaya orang in case sesuatu terjadi, ahahhahahahha.

L'occitane Angelica Hydrating Mask

I am a busy person *slapped (¬д¬。) (wtf), hahaha and sometimes I really lazy to use mask other than paper/cotton/sleeping face mask. Because I need to wait for 15-20 minutes and then wash it. It's quite a while and sometimes I fall asleep while waiting (¬、¬), lol. And that makes me can't use mask before make up because it took sooooo long! ( ꒪Д꒪)

So, I got a chance to try this mask from L'occitane Indonesia. I was invited to their event but couldn't come so they sent the products for me to try. Thank you so much for give me the opportunity to try! (///∇//)

Thursday, July 26, 2012

MY NEW HAIR XD XD pictures spammm

Heeeyyyy, are you waiting to see my new hair?? *slapped =w=)//

Okay, I might be a little bit over-act but I really satisfied with my hair now ヾ(☆▽☆) . Lol, please understand! XD
I'm going to show you my new hair now, so many people asked me and want to see it. 

ZOmgg omgg super superrr loveee it !≧△≦ My hair has three tone now, it's super super cool! Actually I wanted to add pink too, but have no budget anymore T___T lol

So, this is my new hair style~~ Ombre hair (゜∀゜)
Do you like it? (All photos took with my phone cam and filter on Camera360). You probably already saw it on my twitter/facebook/instagram though, but for anyone who havent please enjoy! ^^

Tips Untuk Mencari Pasangan Yang Cocok