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Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Hello Nagoya!

Hi, all. I decide to write my blog in two languages start from now lol. I feel sorry for my international reader if I only write in Bahasa. haha ^^

Jadi bulan lalu aku pergi ke Jepang lagi, untuk kalian yang follow Instagram aku mungkin udah bosen kali yah lihat postnya, hahaha. Ada beberapa yang tanya, dalam rangka apa sih? Gak dalam rangka apa-apa juga sih, sebenarnya ini sponsored trip kok dari salah satu company di Indonesia, jadi intinya aku jalan-jalan aja. :D

So last month I went to Japan again, if you've followed my Instagram you probably bored with my posts already, hahaha. There're some people asked me 'on what occasion?'. There' wasn't any special occasion, this is actually a sponsored trip from a company, frankly say this is only holiday. :D

Nah untuk perjalanan kali ini aku pergi ke Nagoya bersama adik perempuan aku, si Vina. Kali ini kami ikut tour karena memang sudah disediakan oleh perusahaannya.

In this trip I went to Nagoya with my sister, Vina. We joined a tour this time because it's provided by the company.

Waktu sampai di Jepang itu udah pagi dan aku sampainya di bandara Osaka. Dari Osaka kami naik Shinkansen menuju Nagoya, waktunya kira-kira 2 jam kalo gak salah. Di pesawat aku agak sulit tidur dan aku berharap bisa tidur di Shinkansen tapi gak bisa karena terlalu excited, haha.

We arrived in the morning at Osaka airport. We took a Shinkansen from Osaka to Nagoya, the travel time was around 2 hours if Im not wrong. I can't sleep on the airplane and I wish I could sleep on the Shinkansen but I can't because I was too excited, haha.

Karena belum makan pagi, kami disediakan bento Doraemon dari HottoMotto yang lucu banget haha tapi isi makanannya biasa aja sih, isinya cuma Onigiri, chicken karage dan potato salad. Biarpun biasa aja tapi serius loh nasi di Jepang tuh enak banget, aku yang biasanya gak suka makan nasi aja doyan, haha.

We haven't eat yet so they provide us with Doraemon bento from HottoMotto, it's so cute but the food inside is just normal like kids meal. There're Onigiri, chicken karage and potato salad. Even though it's ordinary but Japanese rice is super nice, I don't like rice but I always eat Japanese rice, haha.

Setelah sampai di Nagoya, kami dibawa ke sebuah restoran (sorry lupa foto namanya) yang jelas ini Izakaya tapi kami gak di serve yakitori untuk lunch, haha. Lunchnya sih lumayan enak, ada seafood kesukaan aku cuma waktu itu perut aku lagi gak enak banget jadi gak bisa makan banyak deh.

When arrived in Nagoya, we come to a restaurant (I forgot the name), this is Izakaya but they didn't serve us yakitori for lunch, haha. The lunch wasn't bad, there's my favorite seafood but I didn't get to eat much because my belly wasn't feel good that time.

Setelah makan, kami berjalan-jalan dulu disekitar sana sambil menunggu Bis yang akan mengantar kami ke Osu Kanon Temple

After eat, we walked around there while waiting for Bus that will take us to Osu Kanon Temple.

Disini aku mengunjungi sebuah supermarket dan membeli beberapa skin care dan make up yang aku gak bawa dari Indonesia. Sekalian beli beberapa kebutuhan wanita, hehe sorry lupa difoto tokonya karena sibuk Snapchat saat itu. Add Snapchat aku yah : cominica , jadi kalian gak akan miss update aku. :)

I visited a supermarket here and bought some skin care and makeup. Sorry I didn't take photo of the store because I was busy Snapchatting that time. Add my Snapchat: cominica . so you won't miss my update. :)

Setelah berbelanja sebentar kami mengunjungi Osu Kanon Temple, ini adalah kuil buddhist populer di pusat Nagoya, kuilnya sih kecil gak begitu luas tapi banyak burung merpatinya. 

After shopping we went to Osu Kanon Temple, this is a popular buddhist temple at the center of Nagoya, the temple isn't too big but there're many pigeons.

Selain itu didekat kuil ini ada Osu Shopping Arcade, kalian bisa beli barang-barang second hand yang murah-murah disini dengan kondisi yang masih layak pakai.

Other than that there's Osu Shopping Arcade here, you can buy many cheap second hand stuffs with good condition.

Disini aku gak sengaja nemu satu toko yang super lucu bareng vina, nama tokonya Alice on Wednesday dan toko ini menjual segala aksesoris yang bertema Alice in The Wonderland. Aku beli beberapa aksesoris disini, harganya gak bisa dibilang murah sih tapi lucu banget jadi yaudah deh. haha

I accidentally found this cute store with Vina, the store is Alice on Wednesday, this shop sells all accessories with Alice in The Wonderland theme. I bought some accs and the price isn't cheap but they are sooo cute.

Aku gak bisa lihat-lihat terlalu lama disini karena kami cuma diberikan waktu 1 jam lebih sedikit. Padahal banyak toko-toko dan kafe-kafe lucu yang bikin kepo.. :(

I can't stay too long here because I was given only 1 hour to explore this place. There're so many cute stores and cafe that made curious.. :(

Disini ada satu Maid Cafe yang unyu, aku cuma ngintip doank sih (resepsionisnya sempet agak shok, lol). Pengen masuk tapi waktu aku tinggal 10 menit, jadi sehabis foto aku cepet-cepet jalan balik ke kuil bareng vina untuk naik ke bus.

There's one cute Maid Cafe here but I only peek inside (the receptionist look shocked, lol). I wanted to go inside but there's only 10 minutes left, so after took photos I quickly walked back to the temple for the Bus.

Setelah ini kami dibawa ke Oasis 21 di distrik Sakae. Sebenarnya aku sama vina gak ngerti kenapa dibawa kesini karena tempat ini cuma kaya mall biasa aja sih. Mungkin karena design bangunannya yang unik seperti space ship dan juga ada kolam air kaca yang menjadi simbol tempat ini. (katanya)

After this we went to Oasis 21 at Sakae district. Honestly we didn't understand why the tour brought us here because this is just like a mall. Maybe because of the building that looks unique like a space ship and there's a water pool made from glass that becomes the symbol of this place. (probably)

Well, aku gak ngerti kenapa dia berpose selonjoran gitu, hahaha.
I don't understand why she posed like this, lol

Setelah jalan-jalan dan foto-foto, aku sama vina turun ke bawah untuk lihat-lihat tokonya dan kita belanja di Honey (ini baru buka disini). Honey ini stylenya lebih casual dan aku mau beli coat baru, jadi kita berdua menghabiskan waktu cukup lama disini sampai waktunya berkumpul.

After some walks and photos, Vina and I went down to see the stores and we shopped at Honey (new store here). Honey's style is more casual and I wanted to buy new coat, so we spent our times here until the time to gather.

Kami diajak makan malam sebelum check in ke Hotel, disini kami menginap di Hotel Hilton Osaka, didekat hotel ini ada Starbucks, Matsumoto Kiyoshi (toko kosmetik) dan juga banyak restoran yang menjual ramen.

We went for dinner before check in to the Hotel, I stay at Hilton Osaka Hotel, there're Starbucks, Matsumoto Kiyoshi (cosme store) and many ramen restaurants here.

Karena gak sempat foto supermarket dan toko-tokonya aku share haul aku aja yah. Aku gak beli terlalu banyak sih kali ini, soalnya masih hari pertama takut uangnya kepake semua, lol.

Because I didn't have time to capture the supermarket and stores, I share my haul okay. I didn't buy many this time because it's the 1st day, I was afraid that I will use all my money lol.

Diatas ada beberapa cat rambut, penghangat kaki, masker wajah, hair spray, bulu mata palsu, lem bulu mata dan juga hair oil Tsubaki favorit aku yang super recommended!

(Above) there're some hair dyes, foot warmer, face masks, hair spray, falsies, falsies glue and my favorite Tsubaki oil for hair, recommended!

Dibawah ini haul dari Honey, satu sweater warna biru, atasan bergaris, rok biru dan coat warna biru juga. Sebenarnya coatnya kegedean satu size tapi karena size yang aku mau udah gak ada jadi aku ambil yang L aja. Untuk harga baju di toko ini bermacam-macam sih, yang aku beli range harganya 2500 yen - 10000 yen.

Below is haul from Honey, one blue sweater, stripped top, blue skirt and blue coat. Actually the coat is too big for me but the size I want is out of stock so I took the L size. For the price is vary from 2500 yen - 10000 yen.

Yang aku suka dari baju-baju Jepang itu sebenarnya warna dan potongannya sih. Di indo susah mau cari baju pastel yang bahannya bagus dan modelnya lucu, jadi biasanya kebanyakkan aku bikin sendiri dan aku jual beberapa di Comicou. Karena di Indo jarang belanja, makanya tiap jalan-jalan suka kalap beli bajunya, hehe.

What I love about Japanese clothes is the colour and pattern. In Indonesia it's hard to find a pastel colored clothes with good quality and kawaii style, so sometimes I made it by my self and I sell some of them at Comicou. I rarely shop in Indo that's why whenever I go for holiday I buy so many, hehe.

Untuk hari pertama ceritanya sampai sini aja yah. :D

I think that's all for the first day okay :D

Tips Untuk Mencari Pasangan Yang Cocok