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Saturday, July 04, 2009

Missha vs Feverlet

Helloooo Galssss~~ It's already weekend!! Time goes so fast,, 
I wanna make a review for the bb cream which i use at the moment~
They are Missha PC and Feverlet HD

As you can see, these two bb cream has a fair shade which is really suit me~

The left is Missha PC and The right is Feverlet HD. If you had read my old post,
u can find that i already make a review for Feverlet HD.

Missha PC
Missha has a thick texture
Easy to blend
Nice healing properties
(My pimples bcome dry after using this bb cream)
Good coverage
Nice flowery smell
I really like this bb cream so far!

Feverlet HD
Has a thick texture (more thick than Missha)
Good coverage with dewy look (iMo)
The shade is more light than Missha
Easy to blend
I like this bb cream too, but it has no healing effect on my face~

All my review is based on my experience and my opinion. So, it may has different effect on people face. Thanks for reading!

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