The rampant sale of branded perfumes by unscrupulous sellers is very concerning in today's marketplace. Sellers often lie, claiming that these fake perfumes are store rejects, discounted items, or using other falsehoods to deceive buyers. These fake and counterfeit branded perfumes are priced much lower than those in boutiques and official stores, tempting many people to purchase them.
Fake or counterfeit perfumes, or store rejects sold at low prices, are very dangerous because they contain harmful chemicals that can cause skin irritation, respiratory problems, and even cell mutations that can lead to cancer.
Did you know that fake perfumes often contain human urine? This finding has been widely reported by the FBI and police in the UK. I first learned about it when I was living there because the UK government issued warnings to be cautious when buying perfumes online, especially from eBay.
Honestly, I was shocked to see the number of fake perfumes being sold from various brands like Jo Malone, CHANEL, Dior, Diptyque, Le Labo, LV, and almost all other well-known brands. This made me even more distrustful of buying perfumes online at prices far below boutique prices. I’d rather buy designer perfumes at more affordable drug stores like Boots and Superdrug than risk buying from eBay or Amazon, even though they might be much cheaper.
Here are some dangers of fake perfumes you need to know:
- Respiratory poisoning
- Eye irritation
- Dermatitis
- Severe allergic reactions
- Skin marks
- Photosensitivity
- Long-term serious health problems like cancer
Not to mention other potential negative effects on the body that researchers have yet to discover...
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Here is a screenshot from my IG story when I was sharing about fake perfumes... |