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Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Beauty Labo Candy Pink

Hello everyone (•̤ ॢꇴ•̤ ॢ). I've changed my hair color again last week. Actually, I decided to color my hair because my black roots already showed up. I still love my hair color in this post but you can see the black roots there and I was super lazy to bleach my hair again.

That's why I decided to choose darker color from all my hair dye collection. And it's Candy Pink from Beauty Labo. I guess some people saw the result already on my Instagram, hahhaha!

I'm going to show the result of this hair color in this post, if you want to check my review about Beauty Labo hair dye, you can check them here and here. (∘¯̆ᘢ¯̆)و”ꉂ

I'm quite satisfied with the result, it can covers my black roots and the result looks natural. The only thing I hate is I should buy 2/3 boxes because the foam isn't enough for my long hair. The result isn't even and that makes me a little bit annoyed, lol. (⌯˘̤ ॢᵌ ू˘̤)

This is how my hair looks under room light, looks like sweet pink brown? lol

And how it looks outside, under sun light. lol please excuse my messy hair, I'm so lazy to style it today.

I think the result is look similar with the sample color on the box! It just that I need more boxes so the result can be more even, not messy like this. hhahaha ~_~

My casual outfit today, well college style I think. hehe

✧ Where I got my Beauty Labo?
I got them at Watson, Singapore. I'm not sure where to find in Indonesia except online store. (๑•ั็ᴗ•็ั๑)

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